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Everything posted by Dayo

  1. Anyone mentioned the lovely Paula Parfitt record on Beacon, yet? And how about Invitation by the band of Angels?
  2. How different things are these days. I think back to the glory days of '73/'74 when new discoveries turned up in such quantity and quality, it was breathtaking. Tomangoes one week, Van Dykes and Morris Chestnut the next... I know, I know, I'm being obvious, still makes me sad though....
  3. A very wise man in 1970!
  4. I was in a junk shop in Evesham one day in 1976 and in amongst the usual Val Doonican and Tom Jones spotted just one single import on the beautiful Moonshot label. It was Doctor Good Soul by Landy. A little bit knackered but more than playable and a new one on me at the time. 10 pence? Thank you very much. But the point is, there was nothing else, not a sniff of a soulful sausage. Maybe it's not the rarest record ever, but to this day, I can't get my head round why that solitary Detroit goodie was lurking in a grotty second hand shop in a sleepy market town. It's not like there were other imports in the rack. Just masses of Winifred Atwell etc. Has this ever happened to you? What's the weirdest, most unlikely find you can recall?
  5. I can't think why, that intro is absolutely monstrous!
  6. Curious - was this one ever booted - great record by the way...
  7. All I know is that young America has been responsible for starting most of the world's dance crazes.....
  8. Not that I've been very active on the scene since the late seventies, but from what I've heard, this track by Freddie Scott never made it... or did it? Storming record in my opinion:
  9. Off the top of my head... Marvelettes - Your Love Can Save Me wasn't there an instrumental of Tears of a Clown played from an LP (late days of the Torch)
  10. Major Lance or Jackie Wilson or Edwin Starr..... ooooh..... it's a three-way dead heat for me!
  11. Dayo

    Jerry Ross R I P

    If you ever saw an unknown record with his name credited on the label, you knew it would be worth taking a chance on. Great producer who made some terrific sounds. RIP.
  12. Johnny Taylor for me since it was one of the first Northern records I ever heard, back when they were simply known as "good disco records". My mentor and bro-in-law, John Haithwaite, had realised that the A-side (Steal Away) had not been deleted (it was around 1971), so he had a good thing going ordering new copies from WH Smiths for about 50 pence and then selling them on to the local mods at £1.50 each.
  13. A little bit tongue in cheek, but you could make a valid argument that ironically, the greatest and most iconic classic records of the scene were made by white singers: 1. Can’t help loving you - Paul Anka - can you actually get more “northern” than this? 2. What’s it gone be - Dusty Springfield 3. I’m on my way - Dean Parrish 4. You don’t know where your interest lies - Dana Valery 5. I need you - Shane Martin
  14. Stemmons Express? Always wondered about that one....
  15. Wade in the water is a very old plantation work song which apparently offered advice to runaway slaves how they might avoid capture by bloodhounds; you've got to wade in the water....
  16. Help please, someone... anyone? My daughters wedding is this Friday 2nd June and I have to find a copy of the instrumental to Ain't no mountain high enough (Diana Ross) to play at the reception. I did find one on YouTube but ....oh the quality! Please PM me if you can help or tell me where to find one. Be so grateful, thank you! Desperate here.
  17. Oh bollocks! Bloody hell! Lost for words. Can't believe it. Such a smashing guy. RIP Soul Man.
  18. I can't stand cow's milk anyway!
  19. Not to be a whistle blower but this article strikes me as odd. In it they are claiming that the music is an original composition. I think I'd be onto lawyers if I had a stake in this ... https://tvadvertsongs.com/arla-organic-farm-milk-the-deal/
  20. It's funny isn't? this would have been cause for great excitement a few years ago. Now it's "Ho hum... now there's yet another advertiser trying to borrow some cool...."
  21. Saw Beauty and the Beast at the local Roxy yesterday. In amongst the ads before the film commenced was a rather forgettable promo for milk (I think) that featured a very familiar strings and flute led riff with a slightly classical feel. Just as my addled brain was thinking "hang on, I know that..." in sailed the vocal: "You know I'm going, I'm on my way....." It was a re-recording, not the original. Forgive me if this one has been spotted before. The film was rather good by the way.
  22. The Superlatives only needed three notes to inspire dancers to run, leap, dive onto the floor....
  23. Selling all my British demos in 1981 and using the money to buy a three piece suite ranks pretty high up there....
  24. It certainly is. I could spend hours and hours reading. The R&B page in the 1960's issues is pretty lightweight compared to country and easy Listening sections etc. but I imagine there might be some great leads for R&B radio DJ names if anyone had the time to research and locate them (dreaming of treasure in the attic). Was surprised to see a full page colour ad for Big Wheel Records though. Always imagine these independents to have been shoestring operations. Anyway, a fascinating resource.
  25. Maybe it's been there for ages, but yesterday I stumbled on a back issue of Billboard that Google had scanned and put online. And there are thousands more from every period. I wish I had time to go through all the issues but my job keeps me too busy. Anyway they are easy to find if you're inclined. And you might even see an advert like this one...

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