I was in a junk shop in Evesham one day in 1976 and in amongst the usual Val Doonican and Tom Jones spotted just one single import on the beautiful Moonshot label. It was Doctor Good Soul by Landy. A little bit knackered but more than playable and a new one on me at the time. 10 pence? Thank you very much. But the point is, there was nothing else, not a sniff of a soulful sausage. Maybe it's not the rarest record ever, but to this day, I can't get my head round why that solitary Detroit goodie was lurking in a grotty second hand shop in a sleepy market town. It's not like there were other imports in the rack. Just masses of Winifred Atwell etc.
Has this ever happened to you? What's the weirdest, most unlikely find you can recall?