Love the drums. Really get off on killer percussion - and some of the guys that played on our anthems were simply awesome.
I mean, we all love Motown for the driving beat, tasteful pick ups and awesome fills by Benny Benjamin, Richard "Pistol" Allen, George McGregor, Clifford Mack and even Marvin Gaye. But so many other great drummers graced our favourites, unsung for the most part.
For example, can you imagine the Salvadors without those blinding drum fills and congas? Those guys was no journeymen.
Any other tracks that stand out for you just for the drumming alone?
Off the top of my head:
O'Jays - Working on your case (Snare that just cracks and fizzes. In fact, the early Gamble and Huff stuff was always stand out for the drumming imho)
Robert Parker - Watch Your Step (Toms and Cymbals)
Dana Valery - YDKWYIL (He doesn't do a lot, but the little fills towards the end still give me tingles)