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Everything posted by Dayo

  1. Not bad for 20p though. Just found another issue copy on the shelf. I'll stick this one on ebay I think. Thanks C
  2. Not a mega rarity but a lucky find nonetheless; just picked up a lovely copy of Soul Bro's Six, You Better Check Yourself in a charity shop It's a US Atlantic red and white Demo and plays lovely. How much more than 20 pence is that worth these days? Thanks Dayo
  3. Or, non-existant!
  4. It's good that people can take their Northern hat off for a while and just think in terms of the groove.
  5. Sure was released in the UK; originally on Pye International 25371. Probably ona few re-issues too. Not sure if it made the charts, maybe lower reaches. Good choice.
  6. Shane Perhaps I'm missing something here. You're not the first to suggest this track. I've always thought it was a tad poppy. I'll go revisit it. Colin
  7. Warm welcome to the forum!
  8. Oh Yes !!!! Now there' one I haven;t heard in years.
  9. Ooops! Sorry about the confusion. Over hasty posting! Totally agree - Love adict is a great little tune.
  10. Spinners - right up there! Wasn't really thinking of danceability - just soul content. But, Move On Up must be one of the most soulful records to grace the charts.
  11. Trust you!
  12. Thanks for the tip. What a good track! Too short though Found it on Soul Club: Honey & The Bees
  13. Sandra and Andres - Give It Up - UK Phillips. Pure pop, awful record, Dutch or Belgian bubblegum from around 1970. But there's just something about the arrangement that vaguely hints at Northern. God, I'll admit it then, I actually like it. Be amazed if anyone else even knows it though.
  14. Fab track Pete, but did it actually scrape the charts? Fair play to the British public if it did.
  15. I don't get to many Northern nights these days, but, aside from a break at the turn of the 80's/90's, I've been clubbing for more than 30 years. Most recently Funky Fish in Brighton (mad!), Fuel and Moneypennys in Brum. Funky/soulful house/garage has been my weekend thing, but it's been a compromise really. I couldn't possibly answer the second question
  16. Buzzing from a weekend of non stop soul. Kinda got me thread happy! Don't know if this one's been done before (shoot me if it has!) Simple question: What is the most soulful record, in your opinion, to have made the UK pop charts? I know a lot of people rate Dorothy Moore's Misty Blue as being one of the few deep soul records to gave crossed over. I've always found it too country for my taste. Can I suggest Al Green's monster, Lets Stay Together? It's hard to come to this track with fresh ears, since we've all heard it a trillion times, but surely there has never been a more soulful song and performance to grace the UK top 40? Colin
  17. In another thread I've been waxing on about the mind blowing DJ skills of Norman Jay. One of the tunes he played on Saturday that made me tingle was Jackie Moore's, This Time Baby. Shamefaced to admit that I'd forgotten what an awesome slab of soul music this is. Set me thinking.... This might be a non starter, but what is your opinion on soul in 70's disco music? Any faves? We most of us love Salsoul, so let me kick it off with Double Exposure, 10 Per Cent (Walter Gibbons 12 inch mix). Has there ever been a more soulful disco record?
  18. Steve - you're a star! That's the one. Thank you! What a powerhouse when it's played at a zillion watts. I'm guessing this is Motown? Was it a single? Info please anyone....
  19. Not that one Simsy - but thanks for posting it. The track I grooved on so much was more funky and uptempo.
  20. No idea! Anyone got a soundfile? It almost sounded like an Invictus or Hot Wax track, but, as someone suggested earlier, I was slightly off my face!
  21. Was it that obvious?! I demand to see my lawyer!
  22. Well, this might ruffle a few die hard feathers, but Saturday night in Birmingham I had an experience that was borderline spiritual. Was lucky enough to catch Norman Jay at the Medicine Bar. The guy blew me away and turned my musical world inside out and upside down. I've never heard such a tasteful, eclectic, diverse and exciting mix of soulful dance music in my life. From cutting edge funky house to rare groove and classic jazz funk; every track seemed more perfect than the last. And when it ended with Sly Stone's Dance to the Music (haven't heard this out in years) - the crowd were in raptures. It was a perfect set, with a perfect crowd and I'm certain that I've seen the best soul DJ in the world. To be honest, even the best nights I've enjoyed on the Northern scene couldn't compare for atmosphere and the sense of togetherness. One question; NJ played a track that gave me goosebumps on my goosebumps. I feel like I ought to know it but I can't place it for the life of me. Clues: A female vocalist. Perhaps southern? Think of Candi Staton, though it's probably not her. It'd be medium tempo and it sounded seventies. The snatch of lyric I remember on the chorus goes something like this: "...I could easily be persuaded". Record detectives please help me out! And if you have an open musical mind please catch Norman Jay's Good Times set. You won't regret it, the man is awesome
  23. The Steelers was well played in the late days of the Wheel. Issued on UK Direction. Great record.
  24. What a badass rapper he'd have been if his career was starting today. A true soul legend that enriched our music beyond measure. And he cut perhaps the most memorable vocal intro on any record ever! One, two, three....

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