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Everything posted by Dayo

  1. No takers? Alright... I'll keep 'em coming: Lovely song....
  2. One more and it's over to you. One of the first Soul records I ever bought...
  3. And another one...
  4. And here's some more rare footage, but rather more soulful:
  5. So how about a topic to pull together the amazing live videos of scene classics that are lurking out there? Just now and then I've stumbled on some gob-smacking rare footage on YouTube, but it does take a little digging. I'll kick it off with this one, which I'm afraid confirms all my worst fears about this somewhat guilty pleasure...
  6. Not one single person blocked up in those pics then!
  7. Loved the venue. Heard so many great record for the first time there. All the big name DJ's played there. Good times.
  8. It doesn't look too good does it? It will be another sad day soon, I'm afraid....
  9. What a shame. I missed the email. Wife’s birthday. Disaster. What happened on Jools Holland?
  10. And I’ve just turned up to to see her but it’s canclled. gutted.
  11. Edwin basically grabs it by the bollocks.
  12. That Devonns track is a belter isn't it?
  13. Played at the Wheel and others, but an absolute belter for sure.
  14. Imagine if it hadn't charted! Surely this would have been the monster of all monsters?
  15. Exactly! People have all kinds of negative associations with the term disco, but that's how my bro-in-law called it who was a regular DJ on the Midlands Soul Scene in the late 60's early 70's. . For myself I was pleased as punch to find my first rare "disco" record in 1971. Ironically it was Chubby Checker's (at the) Discotheque, but that's just a co-incidence, it could easily have been the Invitations, Timmy Willis, Dobie Gray etc.
  16. Years ago I had a trawl through my old copies of Blues & Soul to try and find when the term started to be used. In all honesty I can't recall the result, but it's probably much later than most people think. In 72 there were tons of references to the North, usually in John Abbey's snidey record reviews; "Here's yet another forgettable record that's sure to find favour in Northern discos" etc. There was the Northern Soul Club, of course - but I think that was a little later (forget who was behind that now).
  17. The scene - yes that rings a bell. "So-and-so is on the scene - do you know him?" etc.
  18. Before that term started being bandied about they were simply known as soul records, or, believe it or not, "disco records".
  19. Yes. I was there and remember it clearly. Sounded amazing on that lovely sound system there. I don’t recall that it split the crowd anything like as much as Shake and Bump or Don’t Depend On Me.
  20. Actually I found a big handful of stuff while clearing out my late Mum's house just this weekend. Maybe 20 or 30 records I'd stashed there 40 years ago. My heart was pounding a weenie bit faster. Some of the labels and artists looked so promising but I couldn't remember any of them too well. "Oooh - here's a couple by the Saphires that I don't recall.... this one by the Sydels looks promising... hmmmm almost unplayed..... and what's this on a Philly label by the Relations? Hang on a sec... here's a few old reggae tunes on UK labels..." Couldn't wait to get home and play them. That's when it became obvious exactly why I'd left them at Mum's house all those years ago. Obviously I thought they were all crap in '74. Time had not been kind to any of them!!! Ah well.....Maybe there'll be an Eddie Parker in the attic!
  21. Sounds like a track from a music library. There are a few of them that feature NS pastiches.
  22. Apparently he is managing the Three Degrees. Contact details from their website pasted below: Contact Us If you want to get in touch please call using the number below or send us a message using the contact form on this page Management: John Abbey Representation Tel: +1 770 928 1864 Fax: +1 770 928 1926 e-mail: jarinc45@aol.com
  23. Queens Hall - what a gathering that was. Awful night, but so many souls in one room was an awesome thing.
  24. So no-one knows what happened to John E. Abbey? Surely one of the most influential figures in all of the UK soul scene? If it were not for Blues & Soul my teenage life would have been so very different.... He deserves a huge amount of respect. What happened to him? Anyone else get their soul packs from Contempo? Such excitement! Pretty sure that I saw Kokomo on that Al Green tour too (B'ham Odeon). Yes, they are still going.
  25. How about Stella Starr? Was she a white singer? In some ways I prefer the production on her version of Bring Him Back. More oomph! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anLB5456t9w

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