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Everything posted by Dayo

  1. Good taste makes a good collection.
  2. It was the first Major Lance record I ever got. Must have paid all of a quid for a UK issue back in '71. I was told back then it was a fave at the Wheel, but that was probably a bit of hype from the guy on the market stall! Still love it - especially the backing vocals.
  3. I think you guys nailed it. Groovy little track - thanks! Col
  4. Not sure if I've asked this before, but there's a track that's bugging me, which I can't identify. It's not Northern, although in parts it almost is - not even sure if it's soul music really. The vocal sounds like Miriam Makeba and the feel is very Burt Bacharach. It's possibly a late 60's recording. Chorus goes something like; what is wrong with grooving.............. I really like it, although it's probably not a sound for soul purists. Any ideas anyone? Please. Ta! Colin
  5. Martha and Gladys... sound like characters from Coronation St. circa 1963! No wonder my kids can't take my musical tastes seriously! Col PS I saw Martha perhaps a couple of times in the 80's and she was great. Mary Wells was on the same bill at one gig - I'm afraid she struggled a tad.
  6. She is soul sister number one. I mean, she kept the vibe going long after Aretha had gone trashy. Even her disco outings ooze class (Bourgie Bourgie etc) And her best? The sublime, Walk in my shoes. Let's not forget the contribution made by her fantastic backing singers - the Pips. They were no journeymen. Please get to see her if you ever get the chance. Great to see so many share my love of the great Gladys!
  7. Not rare soul, just a soul related thought: Marvin Gaye, What's Going On. Yes, I realise that Marvin's recording is a landmark in our music, a pinnacle of artistic excellence blah blah blah. But... It's just a feeling I can't shake; I actually prefer Donny Hathaway's version these days. Might be shaking a few feathers in the Marvin is God camp, but it seems to me that Donny's version has aged far better. He out-sings Marvin, out-grooves him, and out-plays him (just listen to the keyboard solo's). I can't imagine for a second that anyone will agree, but in case you haven't heard it lately, I'm throwing up a soundfile to remind you... One thing I hope you do agree on; Donny Hathaway had neither the commercial success or plaudits that many far less talented musicians enjoyed. Enjoy the track Colin
  8. Anyone agree that the '72 re-issue was a slightly different mix? Handclaps sounded odd if memory serves... Could be my memory playing tricks again
  9. I'd bet anything it was played at The Wheel. I certainly heard it when I first got onto the scene, which was in the latter days of the Wheel. It was a well known record. As for Len Barry, good to hear so much postive feeling towards his stuff. Always thought that It's a crying shame was a fab little groover.
  10. Welcome to the Forum!
  11. Great choice!
  12. Do you have a favourite lead singer from a vocal group? Kick you off with two, if I may: How about Philippe Wynne or G.C. Cameron from the Spinners? Motown's most under-rated group with GC, and then the ultimate expression of Philly with Philippe. Any thoughts? I'm guessing David Ruffin is going to come up real soon! Colin
  13. True. Look what happened to Aretha. Gladys kept the soul flag flying though! Colin
  14. How did it go Craig?
  15. Agreed! And did Tammi really do a version? Never knew that. Would have been written by Stevie quite a bit a earlier than his version then.... Colin
  16. Getting more and more fond of Candi Staton these days. I was just wondering if anyone has seen her do a gig? I've never, but I'm guessing she'd be amazing.... Colin
  17. I'd agree she cut some great material. Caught Up, in particular, was stunning when it came out. But my feeling is she had the potential to rank among the greats but let herself down through choice of songs. I saw her around 78 in Brum, and, refelecting on it now, all that raunchy, sassy, shoot from the hip, kinda schtick was so unnecessary, and, frankly a tad toe-curling. Oh - and the last thing I am is a prude!
  18. Millie Jackson: great singer, but wasted her talent with trashy material. Frustating Anyone agree? Colin
  19. Mirja Don't mean to offend, but what you're suggesting is nuts. Venues pay a PRS/PPL licence fee for the venue. You can't get around that, even if you could prove that the songs were unlisted. I can't imagine there are more than a handful of soul records that are unpublished in the sense you mean. They may not be registered with ASCAP etc, but somebody somwhere is certain to hold the publishing rights.
  20. Vel-Vets - Gotta Find Me Somebody. That's as full on as i get's for me. It can only have been made for nutters like us! Colin
  21. Good luck Craig - enjoy it! Colin
  22. Agree. Ditto Festival Time. Colin
  23. Ollie A warm welcome to the forum. With good taste like yours, you'll make plenty of friends and find lots to enjoy. Cracking selection. Must admit I never heard the Isonics track...
  24. Nice one Billy! Thanks for sharing that. Sounds great. Love the vocal and production. Colin
  25. Don't remember a Soul night at the Swan/Dirty Duck. May have been before my time though. I do recall a lot of tension in there between the bikers and skins/suedes/scooter boys. Used to go in there a lot. My drink at the time was vodka and lime! urgh!! As for the Chateau, it's a very interesting building. Built in the style of a French Chateau by very wealthy Victorian industrialist for his reputedly home sick French wife. The soul sesions were on Sunday afternoons, weren't they? The mods would make their way there to chill down after an evening at the Cats, the Bankhouse or the Coppertops etc. Story goes that Baby Reconsider got it's first spin there and was the original 40 quid record. An unheard of sum around 1971!

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