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Everything posted by Dayo

  1. Bang on. Number 3 was awful. The first one sold really well and it's a great reminder of the jive talking music lovin jock he was. Last I heard he was doing high end mobile discos in LA and syndicating an oldies radio show. Used to love his Saturday morning radio show on radio one - used to play some great soul records. Pics of Rosko then and now.
  2. My brother in law John Haithwaite was a local DJ around Worcester. He got me into the music in 1970. He had great taste and the most amazing British collection. He became a Jehovahs Witness a few years back and sold the lot (probably for pennies). Should have stayed in touch I guess....
  3. Awful intro? I'll vote for the Adventurers Easy Baby. Sounds like an out of tune college marching band. Probably deliberate. Having said that, it sticks in your head, and I actually rather like it. Col
  4. Paul Niters are not the same now. They couldn't be. Back in the day most of us were young, pilled up and horny teens/twenties. The discoveries were coming at us in torrents. There was also a slight hint of ever present danger which is hard to express, but I kinda miss in a daft way. Colin
  5. Got a feeling that Maxine Nightigale was most certainly played at Wigan. The Zoo was an absolute monster - surely that charted for the Commodores? Love on a mountain top - big at the Torch wasn't it?
  6. Heard a track from the new Roy Roberts album over the weekend - think the title was: If you can't put it out. Blew me away. Real quality modern/southern soul. Any thoughts anyone? Is the album a must have? To be honest the only Roy Roberts track I knew before hearing this was Gotta have your love Cheers Colin
  7. Totally agree. And who's to say that in 20 years time - or less - we'll see a revival scene based on soulful house, with today's flops being highly collectable and going for silly money? Yes, it's an almost pefect mirror of the Northern scene and if I had the money, I'd be collecting it now ready to cash in later. Colin
  8. Sounds great to me. Music is just music. Nothing more or less. It either works or it doesn't. Never understood the negative feeling towards respectful remakes or tasteful tailor-mades.
  9. Rose B was certainly known before Bari Track, but the inst. was the one that took off around 73 or early 74. What a powerhouse it was and is! What was the cover up title? Anyone recall?
  10. I would imagine that Jimmy McCracklin's "The Walk" must be one of the oldest records to get widespread play and appeal on the NS scene. No idea when it ws made, but pretty sure I've seen a copy on 78 somewhere.
  11. You're right Pete. There never was a clear winner. I was trying to find just one track that unites the whole scene, but it was impossible.
  12. I know exactly what you mean! Good post - it was just the same in Worcester. Constant threat of Grebo's - constant piss taking of the Freaks (ie anyone who liked 10 Years After, Groundhogs, Led Zeppelin, family etc). Kids, especially girls, who were into glam rock were only pitied - and you didn't dare go out with one - unless you managed to convert them to Major Lance or JJ Barnes. God, how I wanted an SX 200. And I'd have given anything for ten minutes up the alley Lin Perry... even if she was into Slade! Ten No.6 and a box of matches please... you old enough son? Yeah. 12 pence then and don't tell yer dad. And get away from those magazines on the top shelf .....
  13. A few guaranteed floorfillers from Worcester City Youth Club, circa 1972: Most Mitch Ryder hits including Breakout and devil with a blue dress which was the biggest for weeks and weeks. One wonderful moment - Shakers. Knew it was a big torch record, can't ever remember being more disappointed upon actually hearing a so called monster. Funny enough, I like it now in a trashy kinda way. The girls did a sort of line dance to it! Love train - O'Jays Man like me - Jimmy James Wade in the water - Ramsey Lewis Al Capone - Prince Buster (of course!) Hey America - James Brown Beatin' rythmn - Richard Temple (still give you a chill?) One minute every hour - John Miles That's roughly ten then! Colin
  14. Totally agree. Can't imagine Dionne doing anything as raunchy as Dee Dee on You're No Good, but for my money Bacharach and David were the greatest songwriters of the last century. Dee Dee shades it for soulful appeal - IMHO. Colin
  15. Might have got some spins on the London funk scene. Don't ever recall hearing it up North. Check out Miles In Blue. The greatest jazz album ever made. Makes a good day better, and a bad day liveable with.
  16. Any thoughts?
  17. After a third listen, I agree.
  18. Thanks Cod and Simon - that's the track! Lovely ain't it? Bit M.O.R perhaps? Col
  19. Is it Bartley or Jackson - I'm confused! Col
  20. Tone I feel the same way about Silent Night. Have you ever heard it sung in German? Stille Nacht. It's sounds wonderful. There's a story about the temporary armistice that used to take place during the 1914-18 war on Christmas Day. At one God forsaken battle ground, The Brits started singing Silent Night and the Germans joined in from their trenches singing in German - each trying to doutdo the other. It ended with a game of soccer between the two enemies in no-man's land. Next day, it was carnage as usual. Colin
  21. Heard a fab track on the radio last night (Saga Soul Train) - sadly couldn't ctach the title or artist! Can anyone help? It's a female ballad. Probably 60's. Sounds like Linda Jones, but probably not her. Quite a dramatic song and the chorus goes something like; Cause I've got nothing better to do.... Thought it was gorgeous and I don't think I've heard it before. Egg on my face if it's a well known classic, but hey, I'm gettin' old! Thanks in advance Colin
  22. This thread may have been done before, but it's a goodie! Pretty weel certain that there has never been a better British Northern record made than Dusty, WIGB. My fave is one from the Wheel; Band Of Angels - Invitation. Best Colin
  23. I think it's a great record. Had the luxury of hearing it WITHOUT knowing who sang it. Was gobsmacked to find out it was Lisa S. How long has it been kicking around?
  24. My long time champion: We Live In The Ghetto - Four Voices Maybe not 30, perhaps 40 quid....
  25. Great selection Paul! Let's add the superb Superlatives, I still love you. Short, but still gets me leaping onto the dancefloor! Colin

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