About a year ago, you might remember a topic I started on here to try and find a Northern soul record that we all loved - or at least a track that none of us hated. The idea was to try and find a tune that defined the Northern scene.
It proved fruitless and tortuous. Salvadors, if I recall, came close to being universally loved - and there were a few others - but we couldn't find a single sound that everyone could get behind. Somebody somewhere always ended up hating something! Even Our Love Is In The Pocket had been worn out or played to death for some of us.
I thought I'd take a chance on a similar thread, which I'm hoping will be short lived and much more simple:
This time the idea is to find the most widely loved soul singer. Yes, we've all got our faves, but the idea of this is not to debate whether Aretha was better than Gladys - there's plenty of that in other threads.
I think this should be much more easy; I'll kick it off.
We all love Marvin ... right?
You might have other heroes. I'm certain I have. But surely, no-one could actually dislike or hate Marvin Gaye?
If you want to put your head above the parapet, admit you loathe the man, that's fine, but maybe you can suggest another singer that every single one of us could claim to adore?
It might be another daft idea, but I'm just interested to find commonality between our tastes. I suspect this might turn into another who is/was the greatest thread, but if I'm making myself clear, that's not really the idea.
Over to you...