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Everything posted by Dayo

  1. Just curious if anyone else knows this tune? Has it ever been played out? What do we think? Tune or turkey? MP3 removed at mods request. https://soundcloud.com/thurston-day/talking-bout-you-girl
  2. While clearing out the loft last week, I came across a big box of Blues and Soul mags from 1970 to about 1975. I think they start about issue 46. I'd guess about 120 copies. Theres also a bundle of Black Music mags from 73/74 and a handful of Hot Buttered Soul fanzines from the same period. Can't say I want them anymore but I was wondering if they had any value these days? What would be the best way to move them on? I couldn't find time to list them individually on ebay. Is there any market for these?
  3. Very old and faded but I found this in a box in the loft at the weekend. Quite a few EMI Discs and pressings, but one or two bargains too... Anyone else remember the Wax Machine in Gloucester? If it wasn't a current monster, you could get some wonderful bargains there. I had a demo of the Ballads Can't see your love for 20 pence as I recall, then there was a UK demo of the Prophets not long after the Creation UK issue came out - I think was 50 pence or something.
  4. Sounds like I've been in nick doesn't it?! The truth is much more mundane. Forgive this slightly tongue in cheek post, but I haven't popped my head round the door in so long. I'm curious if there have been any great previously unknown records turned up? Any miraculous tape-archive discoveries? Has the vocal to 6 by 6 been found yet???!!! Anything completely unknown appeared that would have got the Torch, Cats or Mecca crowd in a lather in 1973? Greetings to all!
  5. Hi all Don't get time to post these days but here's an article I know you'll enjoy Exclusive! Behind The Motown Mixing Board With Russ Terrana—Part One! | New Media Creative Best Colin
  6. Hope this isn't too far off topic, as it's not really Northern related, but.... Continuing my trawl through the darker corners of my garage I came across a handful of white label albums from around 1976. There's no sleeve or info on the label. Just plain white. Had a spin though them and spotted one by Minnie Ripperton, plus a Joe Tex and a Teddy Prendergrass. There's another that sounds like Bunny Sigler, but I can't be sure. So probably a bunch of CBS distributed demo albums - except they don't say demo - it's just a white label. General question for collectors; is there any value in this kind of white label disc other than novelty? I'm trying to clear out a lot of marginal stuff on ebay.
  7. Hi I recently picked up a handful of 45's on a UK label called Rondelet. They all date from the 80's. Seems a quirky little English label, but there was some reasonable tunes. Anybody have any info on this label and is there anything collectable on it? Thanks
  8. Thanks for that - looks like mine is an original then
  9. I found a withdrawn copy of Edwin Starr & Blinky in my garage too a couple of years back. Had no idea I was sitting on the withdrawn copy. It raised around £550 just when I needed it. And yes the Ellusions is a great record - I just don't like holding onto to pressings these days
  10. Hi all Sorry that I only seem to post here when I want something lately! I wonder if someone could look at my ebay listing for Moses Smith and let me know if it looks like an original? I think it is, but it's so long since I bought it I don't want to hoodwink anyone. https://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=230328052828 Huge thanks Colin
  11. Ah - mine'll be a boot then. Shame. Off to Ebay with it - thanks for your input everyone!
  12. Thanks Alan How can you tell them apart? Any clues anyone?
  13. Hi all Just found a copy of the Ellusions You didn't have to leave on Lamon in my garage - lovely record. No idea I had one or how I came by it. Was just wondering if it was ever booted? Or in other words, if mine is an orig? Any quick info be very grateful Col
  14. Crikey - I'll take that deafening silence as a NO then! Or was it a daft question?
  15. Hi all Been a long while since I've posted - it's been an incredible busy time with work and family commitments. I was just wondering if anything amazing has surfaced in the past 6 months or so? Anybody unearthed anything spectacular that I might get to hear someday soon? I know it's no longer 1973, when new discoveries were an almost daily event. Just curious if anything previously unheard is setting the scene alight in my absence? Cheers all Colin
  16. Wish I'd been able to blag a lift to Wigan. It was such a highly anticiptated night, but one of the most awful nights I can remember. On par with the re-opening of the VaVa all nighter around 74. Searling was not there and I was one of about 10 other people who had showed. God knows who was the jock, but he had the latest pressings and nothing else. I wonder if anyone else remembers that little period?
  17. Pete A few years ago I was recording in an LA studio. It was a pretty shabby place really and shared a building with lots of other music related companies. The plaque on the office next door said Dore Records. My heart was doing a tango! I knocked, no-one home. I don't own a label, have no intention of doing that just now, so, figuring this might be a very useful chence dicovery, I passed on the address and phone number to someone who does. Result? Unreleased goodies hit the market. Personally I stick to my knitting.
  18. All true - well said. It was even regarded as divvy by the divs at our divvy youth club, where, asa new release, it was hammered along with Mitch Ryder's Breakout, Out on the floor, Scrubboard, John Miles One minute every hour and Shakers One wonderful etc.
  19. Like many I'm not a fan of this record, story songs almost never do it for me. I am curious though as to when it first got played? Was this one that the first wave of mods grooved on? Col
  20. Go with me on this.... If you had to choose, desert island scenario or whatever, and the choice was male vocals or female? Which would you go for? Personally, I guess I have a general preference for male vocals over female. Yeah, I know, it's a dumb question, would never happen, how can you ignore Linda Jones, Gladys Knight, Aretha blah blah blah, but I'm just wondering if anyone else has a particular preference?
  21. My fave cruising album - along with B. Mitchell Reed's issue - was that '64? I know it features Sally go round the roses by the Jaynetts, which I think found favour with the mods at the Wheel? (Anorak sub thread going on here!) Col
  22. Jerry - yes I'm certain he was one of the good guys on boss radio KHJ - along with the awesome Robert W Morgan. (coughs) anorak off! Col
  23. Andy - you may well be right. I never heard it out, but I did have a long break. How about Spencer Davis, Gimme some lovin? That would surely have been a monster if it had been an obscure flop. In fact tons of their stuff. Yes, I know Trampoline was played! Colin
  24. Dobie Gray? I guess it just got a tad overplayed, but it's still part of the gold standard by which Northern Soul is defined. And I'm guessing there's not a soul out there who didn't get goosebumps the very first time they heard it.
  25. Good thread this. Slightly off topic, but I always thought Mason Williams Classical Gas had a lot of the right elements. I guess that didn't count since it's an instrumental that just wasn't quite "right". Good shout on the Redbone track. Same goes for Diiferent Drum - both great records.b And yes, cat Stevens was playd at Wigan. It was a good time to quit the scene for a while! (Fab song though) Colin

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