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Everything posted by vnicepce

  1. This is an excellent compilation; Kent always come up with the goods, as their decades-long record (no pun intended) illustrates. I listened to the sound samples, and had to add it to my extensive collection of Motown and NS, in various formats. Not least because of the songs I had never heard done by The Undisputed Truth, on the CDs...
  2. WHAT!-(thanks for the info, since it makes me feel quite good, as I had the presence of mind to buy it a few years ago). The TV Programme: Very good to hear all tose tracks, but: As someone's already pointed out, Frank Wilson's DILYIID was a cover up; was it even known about then? The Swimming Pool Scene: 'Lets get it on' was not recorded then, was it? The dancing: where was the sense of rhythm? I wish I'd known about this episode, because I, and many contributors to this site, could have done a better bit of dancing (as extras), to these tracks. Chuck Woods-'7 days is too long', for a start! ..apart from that, good soundtrack....
  3. I always recall a conversation I had with a former '60s Mod; he commented that many of the records that started Northern Soul were thought to be, at the time, 'crap' (his words). I don't particularly like Frank Wilson's version of 'Do I love you'. It's rarity has become a fetish, far exceeding, IMHO, the artistic merits of the recording. We all have different tastes, and since many of the tracks that make up Northern Soul were rejected, by their original audience, there's going to be a fair bit of aural crap in there, along with the absolute gems; that's life....
  4. Sad news; I heard it whilst listening to Andy Peebles, by chance (he did play the Funk Brothers-Nowhere to run). I'm surprised othe soul/music sites haven't relayed this, sad, news....
  5. As a post 'Post Wigan' fan of NS, I also enjoyed this write-up; interested to see PM's Top Ten; great choices,; (I've even got one of those.!) One thing that did rather upset me was the mention of punch-ups; I thought the idea was to appreciate the wonderful music-Hi ho! Despite that, great little piece of nostalgia; thankyou Paul Mason!
  6. Thanks to everybody that contributed to this appeal; bearing in mind the economic times we're enduring this generosity shows what ordinary people can do, to support their own. Also, and of equal importance, this event shows how awful things can be, in the richest country in the world, if you are poor, or without work. America is an awful country, where the homeless sleep in tents, and people die for want of medical care, because it's a vast cash empire, where many people are crippled by the bills; some right-wing nuts even criticise our, as they call it, 'socialised medicine'. With the passing of another artist, from the Rare Soul Scene , we lovers of this kind of music should always remember the prejudice African Americans faced (some of them even moved to the UK). The tracks we all love are wonderful artistry, produced in what, in many ways, is an awful country, which claims to be a beacon of freedom and democracy, but, frankly, is anything but. Finally; I wonder of anyone's ever added up all the money paid for the records we've all bought, and that have been traded, since the start of the Rare Soul Scene; perhaps there should be a levy on these transactions, to assist the artists who produced these wonderful tracks(!)
  7. By coincidence, I was listening to my vast number of NS Compliation CDs; one of the last tracks I listened to was 'The Bottle'; sad news, but at least we've got something to remember him by.....
  8. There I was, just looking through the Marvin Gaye Records on EBAY, and I came across this: https://cgi.ebay.co.u...=item53e01aee27 ..erm....Am I missing something, like the Name, and the Picture.....for a start (DOH)
  9. This track sounds remarkable, to my ear, as it was produced in 1977 (sounds earlier); the others were good as well, but I think this is my favourite....
  10. 'One block from heaven'; it is on an MFP LP titled 'My Guy'; I get the feeeling that this was issued sometime in the 70s or early 80s; but correct me if I am.....
  11. Yes, it's funny what some 'wowser' record floggers will try and pull; they make me laugh! I found this LP in a Charity Shop, in Mint Cond., as well as the 'Twist and Shout'(?) LP. Then, in the Junk Shop next door, a reasonable copy, of the 'Brothers Isley' LP.
  12. .....and back in December, at the Kent Soul Club, I requested 'The Champ'; strange how things turn out, eh? Willie Mitchell left behind a wonderful library of music; as I always say, about the passing of an artist, he will be remembered, and live on, through it.
  13. How about a sound sample for those of us who haven't been to this hallowed venue?
  14. Thanks for putting up the track, Pete, as with the other posters, I liked that; was a bit funky, especially in some circles, I'd guess, but, still, a nice track, and dancer...
  15. This is all happening because the Post Office have recently started taking notice of the Customs Declaration Forms on packages sent here from outside the EU. The Post Office brought in, guess what?; a 'Customs Handling Charge' . Prior to that, I recall getting LPs, CDs, etc from Dusty Groove America, etc, and the P.O. taking no notice of the amount, on the declaration. I got charged last year , and if you use the search phrase "Customs Handling Charge", you may still find threads about this charge. An associate of mine, who is a Solicitor, did think what the P.O. was doing, was fraudulent (in making the 'Handling Charge'); I'm not so sure. Taking this to a higher level, why should we, living in the UK, be not able to trade freely (Legal enterpretation needed here), with anyone we wish to, anywhere in the world? Particularly since the Internet has made this so easy. Finally, what about getting the seller to state, on the pack, that it's a GIFT?
  16. Well said As with all selling and buying, with a 'following wind', and someone with too much money, a huge sum will be payed, for a '45. Then I began to wonder, reading this thread , isn't the thing that really matters, the Musical Artistry, on those '45s , and that's worth far more than mere cash ..it's what's in the groove that counts
  17. ...and if they weren't, the genuine article, they'd be ......'Living a Lie' ..mind you, if they were in your living room, and the keys fell off their hook, they'd be 'lying, in the living room'....
  18. ...wonder if there are any bootlegs knocking about? I can see it now; some charlie, in his garage, with some old, remaindered block flooring, adding some wear, poishing it up, and BINGO!, its on EBAY
  19. .......gives you the pip, doesn't it ?
  20. Very well put ; I recall commenting, a few years ago, how remarkable it is, that a given track sounds really so much better, than it did at the time of its release/discovery; people are so......... Then, I was once described, by a certain DJ, as being 'open-minded'; he'd played a Sharon Jones track, at a 6Ts Allnighter; and why not, IMHO? Some of us like 'Across the Board' styles of DJ-ing; so, if I were to be contraversial (possibly), who's for some Raphael Saadique?
  21. They are both wonderful; the Larry Hammond Song has a certain 'something', about it. But that why we all like this kind of music.
  22. vnicepce


    I recall this debate from a few years ago, on here; I am sure that the 'vinylists' supreme leader, Ayatollah Matrix will be putting out a Fatwa, calling for the death of the DJ who committed the supreme heresy, against the God Vinyl (who is, after all, a profit-geddit?), by playing a CD, at a Rare Soul 'do'. There will be disturbances in the street......still, its quite difficult to burn a CD!!! PS: I recall a certain DJ, at a certain venue in London, who played vinyl; they were all blank labels; I wonder where he got those? ......It's what's in the soundfile that matters
  23. 'Higher and Higher'-Jackie Wilson; Yes, I agree, but that's possibly because the way in which the track is ochestrated is confusing, to the ear, and sense of rhythm. Perhaps it not so much a case of the records being too fast, as, some of us, slowing up. What you really need is a well polished, Wooden Dance Floor, and Leather Soled Shoes. Talc or beer helps, but not when you fall in it!
  24. ..information overload!!!!, thanks to all who contributed to this thread;-good to see the two above, in there; I found the first one, in a charity shop, a few years ago... The Four Below Zero track is one of my favourites....

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