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Everything posted by Soulfulswifty

  1. Emsworth charity soul night 7pm £5 In aid of local Hospice
  2. In aid of St Wilfrids Hospice Playing Northern,Motown R&B etc Wooden dance floor Bar Parking
  3. Looking for Philly Dawgs Hello Stranger on Tuba
  4. Hi Joe, guess I've missed the Ray Pollard?
  5. Yes waiting to hear from him
  6. Looking for Tobi Lark Challenge my love Topper thanks
  7. Looking for Tobi Lark Challenge my love Topper thanks
  8. Looking for Tobi Lark Challenge my love Topper thanks
  9. Looking for Tobi Lark Challenge my love Topper
  10. On red Atlantic please PM
  11. Still for sale ?
  12. Trying to get a copy of the Tempos I'll never forget on Diamond Jim. Just missed one a few days ago and wondering if there any out there ? Anyone got one for sale ?  Cheers Mark 
  13. Always been a problem since the op!
  14. Nice collection and well presented I still have my original customised Spencers ( pairs) maybe I should frame them too !

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