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Shuffling around

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Everything posted by Shuffling around

  1. That was a brilliant event with a lovely atmosphere.Thanks to Billy and all the djs…
    The wife and I ventured up to Congleton after the Stoke v Norwich match last Saturday and had a great night with some lovely folk enjoying some terrific tunes ,nearly all of which were new to our ears. I’m so glad that there are still people pushing things forward…John Weston’s set was extraordinarily good.
  2. until

    What a great weekend this was…Thanks to everyone involved.
  3. This is sad news. What a great legacy of first class recordings he left us, though…RIP Joe.
  4. I slipped into Robs this morning on the way to the train station...I don't think I have the powers of description to do it justice,but anyone who feared it might remain clinically ordered and sterile will be relieved when they visit. Picked up a few fairly priced priced records from the man himself - A real gent...!
  5. Well, the wife and I are going to it in a couple of weeks time. We've never been to a West End show before so I think we'll enjoy it as an occasion anyway...
  6. Scratched into the dead wax my copy reads; K-13291 64-XY-693-1 F.G. (And the same on the flip with 695 instead of 693). The label printing is nice and sharp, I'm afraid....
  7. Gentlemen, sorry to post so long after the event, but just to say what a superb selection of tunes we got to enjoy all night. Long live the Boutique!
  8. I saw the film last night in Norwich and was really surprised by what a good film it was. The performances by the two lads that played the lead roles were extremely accomplished and they look like they've got great careers ahead of them. It was certainly a very dark edgy watch for much of it, but there was a real sense of John's headlong rush through a new life filled with fantastic (good and bad) new experiences We've waited so long for this thing to be shown that I was fully prepared to be underwhelmed by it, but as it has turned out, this is something that most casual filmgoers would thoroughly enjoy...Elaine has nailed it !
  9. dobber, there are reissues of the purple/plum issue on ebay at the moment...
  10. There's one called Unknown Pleasures on Canongate (The Holyrood end of the Royal Mile).

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