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Everything posted by Suzannek

  1. 8The Lesser Celandines are starting to appear down my favourite woods, spring is on its way. Althouğh as William Wordsworth said in his poem about this lovely wildflower 'ere a leaf is on a bush, in the time before the thrush has a thought about her nest.' Then it goes onto say 'telling tales about the sun when we've little warmth or none' We have 10 flowers appeared now. Also the Opposite Leaved Golden Saxifrage is starting to come through to carpet the woods in a sea of gold (top photo)
  2. Had a five and a half miles walk along the bottom of Cockfield Fell. Much of the snow had melted, but it was cold out with a chilly wind 14.2.16
  3. From a six and a half mile walk around Windmill and Morley in Teesdale 9.2.16
  4. Thank you Philippe, this stream is very healthy full of fish and invertebrates (insect life), we get lots of bird life on it including Dippers, Kingfishers and Grey Wagtails
  5. Had a walk out down the Gaunless Valley Circular Walk this afternoon with border collie Rog. At last the Snowdrops are out and Opposite Leaved Golden Saxifrage are coming through (gonna be a lovely show of them due to the flooding down the woods). A photo of one of the waterfalls on Crow Howle Beck and roots of a tree exposed by the flooded beck taken 8.2.16
  6. Hi only one photo from my 10 mile walk. Taken up Woodland, County Durham 24.1.16. Who Ewe looking at ?
  7. Thank you. I cannot wait to get out again. The next pics will likely be snowy Suz x
  8. Happy New Year to all. . Anyway here are are a few photos I took on 3 Jan 2016 of the lichen/mosses/fungi in this lovely area i live Suz x
  9. A lovely Tortoiseshell butterfly Suz x
  10. Thank you, you too Suz x
  11. Yes am fine Peter. We still have snow, although there has been a tiny bit of thawing, not looking forward to getting my car off the drive tomorrow morning or if I can my drive to work Suz x
  12. We had a snowfall yesterday of 7 inches of snow at Wham, here is the front garden yesterday evening 12.12.15
  13. A collage I have done of mainly flora of Cockfield Fell right near where I live. Although I have snook in a Small Heath butterfly too. The Gorse; Eyebrights; Lousewort (pink flower) and Heath Milkwort (blue flower).
  14. A pretty tree taken along Loop Lane, a stone's throw from my home
  15. A little collage I took of some Autumn fruits taken down the Gaunless Valley Circular Walk a few days ago where I live. Dog Rosehips; Elderberries; Red Currants; Hawthorn berries; Brambles and Dewberries
  16. I took this lovely Horse Chestnut tree at Newton Aycliffe in County Durham yesterday, Autumn is a lovely time of year
  17. These are from a walk out at Wham where I live yesterday (6.10.15) evening. Just as John Keats the poet says 'tis the season of mists and mellow fruitfulness'
  18. This is a collage I have done of two wildflowers people get mixed up with which are completely different, they even flower at different times. My favourite wildflower the Harebell and the English Bluebell. All taken this year where I live
  19. All the swallows and housemartins gone. Saw a flock of Lapwings/peewits this evening Suz x
  20. A couple of photos I took tonight where I live, looking over towards the sun going down over the fields at Wham where I live and walking down towards Cockfield Fell
  21. Thanks Steve, I love seeing other folks photos. The pics I posted are of where I live in Teesdale, I live lower down, than Upper Teesdale but still over a 1000 foot above sea level, in the middle of nowhere lol. In summer within two days I watched a Barn Owl hunt and catch a field vole/small rat and carry it presumably for its owlets in the neighbours cattle shed, then the next day I was pulling into my drive and a Tawny Owl flew across the windscreen of my car. It is teeming with wildlife and wildflowers here Best wishes Suz x
  22. I love taking photos of wildflowers What is more I know my wildflowers well Alas I deleted my photos of the moon
  23. Spot the dog down my favourite woods aka The Gaunless Valley Circular Walk
  24. I daren't post up my pathetic effort of the Lunar Eclipse Instead here are a few photos from my walk in the lovely countryside where I live.I take it for granted but I know I am so lucky really. First pic is of some Meadow Cranesbill wildflowers unusually growing by the roadside at Crane Row normally finish flowering in August. Second two pics are at Crane Row looking over towards the purple heather clad hills of Weardale (2 miles from home),
  25. Took these lovely little Eyebright wildflowers on Cockfield Fell today 29.8.15. They are becoming rare nationally as they only grow on undisturbed infertile grassland or heathland. There are hundreds of them on the fell though. Oh and the heather is out too

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