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Everything posted by Suzannek

  1. Where do you live suz ? Heaven looks stunning x Tiny little hamlet called Wham in Teesdale, County Durham. I saw my first Wall butterfly since I was a child. They have nationally declined so have reported it to Butterfly Conservation.
  2. Butterfly heaven walk through my favourite woods then to Cockfield Fell. Wonderful 14.5.17. Orange Tip male, Green Veined White, Small Tortoiseshell, Small Copper and the best prize of the lot a tiny male Green Hairstreak on Gorse. I knew it was male as it was chasing another male. Also seen and not photographed were two Speckled Woods, Large White, Peacocks and my first Dark Green Fritillary of the year .
  3. An absolutely wonderful wildflower Yellow Hay Rattle. It is hemi-parasitic it feeds on the roots of grasses and it is very important for wildflower meadows. Growing in the fields at Wham where I live. Loads of wildflowers
  4. These are strawberry plants. They look very similar, but are two completely different wildflowers not even the same genus. Top photo is a Barren Strawberry, bottom is a Wild Strawberry
  5. Another Orange Tip male on common sorrel.
  6. A few of the wild flora from my walk.
  7. Just a few photos from a walk along the Old Tees Railway Walk on 6 May 2017
  8. I think this is my best photo yet of these beauties, he was comfortable on his Red Campion wildflower roost
  9. Thanks Harry I will have to take a look to the nature reserve at Cassop it looks fantastic. Gonna have a look over to Bishop Middleham Quarry again too as the wildflowers and wildlife are amazing there. We are so lucky to live in our lovely region. By the way I think you mean Facebook too not Faceache lolol. Love back to you and Di xxxx Suz
  10. This year I planned on getting a photograph of an Orange Tip butterfly. Imagine my surprise when I came across 8 roosting for the evening on two Garlic Mustard plants (a food plant of theirs). There were 4 on each plant. 6 females and 2 males. Even the Butterfly Conservation have never seen that many of these butterflies in one place. They reckon my favourite woods must be a really good habitat for them. I was nettled and had to scramble up a hillside to get these pics, but so worth it. All I need now is a photo of one with wings outstretched
  11. Two furry balls of fun. Enjoy ypur fishing Harr. Best wishes xxx Suz
  12. Visit to Chatsworth yesterday
  13. These are covering the woodland floor, Dog Violets, a carpet of yellow and white. Moschatel/Town Hall Clock flowers. We have at least 12 types of flower out down there. I counted 30 types of wildflower by May last year Lesser Celandines and Wood Anemones
  14. The lovely Wood Stitchwort has appeared down my favourite woods. Early as usually appears in May
  15. Just a few photos taken recently. Wild Cowslips growing where I live. Some photos from a walk up Weardale with a friend also. Came across hundreds of spawning toads. The pond was teaming with them and we had to watch where we walked
  16. View from A68 Witton le Wear 6 miles from me over to Weardale. The silver strip is the River Wear
  17. Great photos Harry, do you and waggy tail a world of good all that sea air too. I love Durham Coastline. I intend to walk it in summer. Take care xxx Suz
  18. Views from Penny Hill near Copley in Teesdale 3 miles from me
  19. We certainly do Harry. This is part of my favourite walk. The river does not support major fish like perch like the Wear or Tees, but there is young salmon and brown trout. I was talking to a bloke not so long ago and my favourite little stream where I live is one of the best spawning grounds for sea trout in the country. It is very important. I was privileged to see one massive covered in silvery white scales. Fascinating stuff Suz xxx
  20. I never get tired of this view. The River Gaunless meandering right by Cockfield Fell

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