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Everything posted by Suzannek

  1. I think one of the first times I heard Ain't that Just Like a Woman Doug Banks was at Bury - quite a while ago though and cannot for the life of me remember who played it. Not much help am I Suz x
  2. Absolutely Rachel we all do our own thing when it comes to dancing, its all about expression, spontaneity and feeling about the music I shuffle a bit/dance myself , but I also love to watch other people dance too. Suz x
  3. No don't believe I have Suz x
  4. Yep also like the other side You Lied. Suz x
  5. I agree I love both sides Catch You On The Rebound and Baby You Got It. Suz x
  6. I've bin lucky up to now and all the recs av bought so far av sed $7 or so as to what its worth. So avent had to pay a customs charge. Suz
  7. Charles SHEFFIELD Suz x
  8. I think the ultimate insult lyrics are the censored version of Think Twice by Jackie Wilson and Lavern Baker Suz x
  9. Are ya meanin Roman's Do. I was one of the few who danced to some of Dave's set. Thought his set was brill. I love ta hear stuff I don't know or never hear. Suz x
  10. I agree. I'm not a very good dancer, but I love to dance to songs. Some songs are either too slow for me to dance to or are too fast, but I still love em just the same and it doesn't mean they shouldn't be played imo. If you look in All About Soul, I thinka bout 36/37 threads down, there is an earlier thread called "Dance Classes" which is about the same thing mate. Dunno how to post a link to it. Suz x
  11. Aye and wot about the Big Bopper. Talking about fats wot about Fats Waller. Suz x
  12. Wasn't knocking the track you posted up Ken. I like it. Wot was trying to say is it was hard to believe that track was Pat Boone as it sounded nowt his normal stuff like Friendly Persuasion. Carry on posting up mate Suz x
  13. That's one of the songs Pat Boone sang. The only other thing I know about Pat Boone is he is deeply religious and I he was the one who protested in the 1980s when Duran Duran recorded View to a Kill because it talks about dancing into the fire I protested because Duran Duran recorded anything never liked em Suz x
  14. Blimey doesn't sound like Friendly Persuasions Suz x
  15. Little Willie John Little Esther Phillips Suz x
  16. The last wedding do I went to was a soul alldayer (Harry n Dis wedding do) It was class. Normally cannot bear wedding or family dos cos of the music that is played, dreadful! When me eldest sister Angela got married in March 2001. My eldest sister lived in Derby at the time. Me and t'other sister went down to Derby the day before she was getting married, we were bridesmaids for her and the night before she got married we went to Alfreton Soul do. I wouldn't care we got back in the early hours of the morning and had to be up at 8.30 a.m. to get our hair done to be bridesmaids. Eldest sister wasn't very pleased but what the heck, had to have our soul fix Toodle oo Suz x
  17. I agree apart from the last time I looked I was very much a lady Suz x
  18. I feel very lucky to be part of this scene of ours, I really love the friends I have made on it with all my heart . The music just gets better and better, I know I haven't been on the scene as long as a lot of folks, but my ears are always open to 60s and 70s sounds I haven't heard (I'm not a lover of more modern stuff, at least aint heard any I like, however would not stop it being played unless I was at a 60s/RnB do!) I also love the etiquette of peeps at soul dos, I rarely venture to ordinary pubs/clubs, was at a local Wetherspoons a few months ago, went for a meal, myself and my female friends stayed for a while there, I went to the bar for drinks, someone had puked up by the bar. On the other side a girl who looked about 15 dropped her drink, it spilled over me and smashed all over the floor, I thought let me out of here and onto the places where I feel most at home amongst civilised folk on the soul/r&b scene Went straight home after that. Sorry forgot to mention also love me 40s/50s Rnb too. Also for the media/refosoul section for what the likes of Baz Atkinson/Toad/Ken/Thorsten/Soul Integrity et al post up. I absolutely love quite a lot of stuff that is posted up there quite a lot I don't know. Suz x
  19. I like it too, also like Jesse Pearson's version on refosoul too. Suz x
  20. Managed to get Priscilla Bowman a while ago. Just the one that I want now Sandra Thompson on Goldencrest! Suz x
  21. Wot about Elliot Small - Im a Devil is that Dirty Northern? Suz x
  22. Oh I forgot I love Tommy Hunt "The Door Is Open" a beautiful ballad Suz x
  23. No way northern soul but purely for connotation! Varetta Dillard - Have Mercy Mr Percy on Savoy One of my fave dirty soul trax Hayes Cotton - Ill be Waiting Suz x
  24. Yes I'm afraid I'm a fully fledged member of Soul Source Anonymous. I was before I when I was a lurker, but worse now I'm a member. Suz x

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