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Everything posted by Suzannek

  1. Oh What a Feeling - Jimmy Ricks and Tommy Tucker Suz x
  2. What about: Fight Fire with Fire - Frances Nero or this one
  3. Not Northern Soul, but a couple of girl group type recommendations from me The Whyteboots - Nightmare The Cookies - Don't Say Nothin' Bad About My Baby Suz x
  4. I agree I love that one too. Suz x
  5. Yes I do know the Queens Head pub. Suz x
  6. Pete yes I know Glenn very well. Hes just come back from workin in China, will be seeing him on Thursday night, will get him to get in touch with you. Suz x
  7. There's some wild folk live in them places Particularly Darlo Harveys now called Monacos, but same place really. Never been for a night out round the bars of Bishop for years. Hopefully someone will have the techy knowledge to upload the thread. Suz x
  8. The thread is called N. Soul in Strange Places, but I don't know how to paste the thread up. Suz x
  9. Love that Big Sound Authority song and you never hear it played on the radio or anywhere. What about Billy Ocean - LOD (Love on Delivery) Suz x
  10. My other contenders as best second rooms are: Middleton I love both RNB room and Carl & Maria's room Citrus Rooms, Barnsley upstairs Lowton DDA room Suz x
  11. I agree Jayne I loved Room at The Top at Bury. Suz x
  12. Sam Dees - Lonely for You Baby Suz x
  13. Very difficult cos I love that many singers. Here are a few of my faves : Male: Little Willie John Jerry Jackson Roy Hamilton Gene McDaniels Jimmy Beaumont Levi Stubbs Female: Barbara McNair Kim Weston Laverne Baker Maxine Brown Barbara Lynn
  14. I like Jesse Pearson's version too. Suz x
  15. Phew for a moment I thought it was my fault for posting up dodgy soundfiles Suz x
  16. or Jackie Ross - Trust in Me Suz x
  17. Here here Tim I am glad they do too. Suz x
  18. Always reminds me a similar sound to Bobby Sharp "Baby Girl of Mine" on Whip. Love it by the way. Suz x
  19. I posted up on here a while back about Tracy by Barry White being played over Christmas period advertising Channel 4 films in HD on satellite. Suz x
  20. What about My Babe by Little Walter pretty sure that is 1954/55 and that has been played on the Northern scene. Suz x
  21. £95 fookin hell Robbin barstewards! Suz x
  22. Take Me Back Reputation Suz x
  23. Cheers Trev will have a look and listen to Keely tracks on LastFM. Suz x

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