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Everything posted by Suzannek

  1. Girl in the Shade of a Striped Umbrella - The Other Ones Cool Breeze - Gerald Sims Suz x
  2. You Can't Even Be My Friend - The Escorts Suz x
  3. Four Tops - My Fatherless Son Suz x
  4. Two nominations by Little Willie John - Sleep and Now You Know also love Half a Love by Little Willie John, but cannot post soundfiles yet. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hr09X8IaMPA Jerry Jackson - Time Suz x
  5. I Cry Myself to Sleep - Rhetta Hughes Mixed Up Girl - Thelma Houston Suz x
  6. Staying local going to the Coachman Soul Addiction do in Darlington near to home. Looking forward to it cos the music is always ace. Suz x
  7. I'll third it! Doing well so far Mike, good luck. Suz x
  8. Ask the Lonely is my fave, but I also love this one
  9. Anything by the Commodores, Debarge, Jackson Five. Sorry if anyone likes them, but not my cup of tea. Suz x
  10. Two other favourites of mine are ">
  11. Four Tops - Ask the Lonely. Suz x
  12. Here you go. ">
  13. Yes, particularly to us lot in the North East of England. Suz x
  14. When I feel the Need Also love his version of Its Not Unusual. Suz x
  15. Ooh prefer the other side "Come and Dance With Me", just melts me. Suz x
  16. Well I love both of them. You have good taste. Suz x
  17. Do you mean the Jellybeans 'I'm Hip to You' b side of 'Boy You Don't Mean Me No Good' on Eskee. Suz x
  18. Well i'd like to report every single record i have bought so far off Soul Source members has been excellent. No problems to report here. Suz x
  19. I know how you feel I once fell down some stone stairs in Newcastle and was covered from head to foot in bruises, I was like an 86 year old woman, aches and pains the next day and all me clothing was ripped. I'm afraid I had been drinking though
  20. Thanx Age is but a number (till I find the Oil of Olay wont remove the wrinkles ) Suz x
  21. Speak for yourself I'm a young 37 Suz x
  22. Here you go. Suz x
  23. Remember listening to a pirate radio station (I think pirate) in Liverpool called ChoiceFM in 1991 playing none stop Northern Soul, played stuff like Baby Baby "Crampton Sisters", Bud Harper "Wherever You Were" and other stuff. First soul do I went to was in 1995/1996 the Coliseum in Derby with my two older sisters. Suz x

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