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Everything posted by Suzannek

  1. Happy New Year all Just some fungi taken down the Gaunless Valley Circular Walk woods. Great variety. Blusher Mushroom; Wood/Jelly/Jews Ears, not sure what the next one is. One after is an Olive Oysterling, Leafy Brain Fungus, Bracket fungus Ganoderm Applanatum, not sure of bottom corner one. Grissette and an Orange Birch Bolete. Healthy woods these
  2. Low Force waterfall in Upper Teesdale 5.10.17
  3. Just two today on a Hawkweed plant allowed to grow in the garden two lovely Hoverflies 26.9.17
  4. Not rare, but pretty as anything Heath Speedwell growing on Cockfield Fell 24.9.17
  5. It is amazing what you find growing near you. I found these two beautiful plants The first photo is of Bladder Campion, not rare in south of England but quite rare in the region where I live. The flower is usually found on alkaline/calcareous/chalk soils. Second pic is Great Burnet which waa once extremely common, but is sadly declining nationally. It doesn't look much, as it isn't showy like Bluebells or Orchids, but there is something about these blood red headed plants that I love.
  6. Some more butterfly pics Meadow Brown, Comma and Small Tortoiseshells
  7. Buddleia Butterflies at Wham today three Small Tortoiseshells and two Red Admirals (excuse the photo quality of a couple of these but it was blowing a gale so hard to photograph) 30.7.17
  8. A few insect photos from Wham, Butterknowle where I live 23.7.17. Scorpionfly (these insects are really interesting they steal insects from spiders webs and they scavenge, they mate at night and tis dangerous for the male as the females will kill them so to placate her he gives her a present of a ball of saliva or a dead insect, the Scorpionfly equivalent of a box of chocolates or bunch of flowers , Drone Hoverfly on Buddleia, Hoverfly on Buttercup, Small Skipper butterfly
  9. Dark Red Helleborines at Bishop Middleham Quarry nature reserve 17.7.17
  10. Had a lovely walk out on my favourite walk yesterday of 7.6 miles through the Gaunless Valley Woods and over Cockfield Fell. The sun shone but there was a cold wind and blowing a gsle on the fell. Small Skipper butterflies, a rather bedraggled Speckled Wood. On next page Six Spot Burnet moth on Cockfield Fell and a Ringlet
  11. Now this is my favourite wildflower the hardy delicate looking Harebell. Oh how I have missed them. These are growing all along the bottom of the fields where I live
  12. We had a frost last night where I live and this beauty took shelter in the house. A Magpie Moth (I know not the best of photos, but he wouldn't let me get too near and I didn't want to cause distress)
  13. Yes weather was lovely in Bridlington. Seem to have left the weather there as done nothing but rain since :-D Suz x
  14. Went to Bridlington Soul Weekender so took a photo of the beach on the last day 26.6.17
  15. So sad Harry but you gave him love and kindness with his short time on earth xxx Take care
  16. Two taken down my favourite woods Gaunless Valley Woods amazing place hard to believe it is not a nature reserve. Large Red Damselfly and Small White Wave moth
  17. Just one from todays eight and a half mile walk. A Speckled Wood on Pignut
  18. Great look forward to seeing the photos. The Southern Marsh is similar to my Northern Marsh apart from it is taller and mine is darker. The Northern Marsh hybridise with Common Spotted and other Orchids. Wonderful flowers Suz x
  19. Some of the flora I took from my visit to Bishop Middleham Nature Reserve. Salad Burnet and Northern Marsh Orchids, these can never be mistaken for any other Orchid.
  20. Hi Steve beauriful pic. I think it is a Southern Marsh Orchid rather than Common Spotted Orchid Suz x
  21. Common Spotted Orchids and Blue Damselfly taken at Low Barns Nature Reserve on 11.6.17
  22. Had a wonderful day out at Bishop Middleham Nature Reserve which is basically an old quarry, but is part of the magnesian limestone grassland species rich. Butterflies galore, Common Blues, Durham Argus, Dingy Skipper, Small Heath. Lots of other butterflies I didn't photograph, anyway here the photos. All taken with Samsung Galaxy S5 Neo phone camera. It was blowing a gale which made things difficult and they fly a 100 mph taken 4.6.17
  23. Green Veined White roosting on Bugle flower 30.5.17 down Gaunless Valley Woods
  24. This beauty has appeared down the Gaunless Valley Woods, near Butterknowle in Teesdale tis Yellow Pimpernel, sadly in the south of England it has declined due to woodland being felled and conifers planted. It is habitat specific just like the Wood Stitchwort also in flower, this loves shady, damp deciduous woods and hedgerows. Forgot to say it is yet another Ancient Wood indicator 3.6.17

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