I guess thee and me has always been lucky cos I've never had a problem and the goods have always turned up. I have to admit mind if it was an expensive record I would register the mailing and insure it. I know it is more expensive that way, but it is even more expensive to pay for the record and not receive it
How many weeks ago did you buy the record cos ive had them take 8 weeks to come from the US before, the hold up has mainly been customs. I've never not received a record, but then again I don't buy lots of records and am not a dealer
So you don't see Dusty Springfield's voice as soulful cos she's white and who was remotely suggesting that Pink Floyd or their ilk was or is soul NO ONE!
I personally wouldn't call them soul music singers, but I would agree that a lot of singers sing with passion and soulfully. I love Patsy Cline and Laura Nyro for example.
Loads of brilliant tunes played at York on Saturday night, but this one I've never heard it played out for years and I think Tony Hatfield played it
Try It One More Time - The Fiestas on Old Town.
Just logged on and realised I missed this week's quiz, such a shame cos I know I would have got the answer straightaway (not). My guess would have been Dr Hook
Look forward to the next installment.