Some floors I've been on (not recently mind) were so sticky the talc was needed. What gets me is seeing some dancers - one in particular - who uses a whole bottle in a night but doesn't move more that 6 inches in any direction or spin. We stole it one night and he was so cross
I know what you mean Karen, me and me mate Michael always talk about this bloke when we went to Hardwick Hall nighter, near Sedgefield about 8 year ago now. There was this bloke had all the right clothes on looked super cool and everything, gets his two tone type dance shoes out, puts them on, gets his talc out of his bag sprinkles it all over the floor and then proceeded to move his feet from side to side It was so bizarre and as usual eccentric
BTW I'm not a lover of talc, I like a dance, but normally if I see talc on the floor I will dance on the carpet as it is easier and makes sure I keep upright