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Everything posted by Suzannek

  1. When I was about 11/12 year old in about 1982 used to go to a local disco for 11-18 year olds and there were some scooter lads and lasses used to go, they used to play stuff like Your Ready Now by Franki Valli, they were 18 year old and I used to love the way they would glide across the floor with a pint in one hand and a ciggie in the other to the music Suz x
  2. I always love the lyrics to Lovey Dovey by the Clovers "Why you the cutest thing that I did ever see, I really love your peaches wanna shake your tree" Suz x
  3. Suzannek

    tianjin xmas 2011 018

    Terrible if its there source of food though poor souls x
  4. Am surprised no one has mentioned this one yet The Parrakeets - I want you right now and also the flip Love you Like I Do on Bigtop Suz x
  5. Suzannek

    the future is bright,

    Do ya heckers like, you both look lovely xxx
  6. Suzannek

    the future is bright,

    Lovely photo xxx
  7. It's only three weeks ago though Pete, I normally wait for records from the US up to about 6 weeks. I'd wait for a reply from the seller, if he doesn't reply send again and if he doesn't reply to that then file a complaint. Suz x
  8. Are you djing via a pc with sounds/vinyl or cd ? Suz x
  9. https://youtu.be/SUPGPjWdXeA Another one of me faves Four Tops Could It Be You on Chess Suz x
  10. Which one Carol ? Didn't realise you liked a bit of doowop Suz x
  11. Another one I have that I love https://youtu.be/4Cg3f82aaDo The Drivers - Dangerous Lips Suz x
  12. Yep I love doowop/early soul harmony. Two of my favourites are: The first one I have, the last one I don't https://youtu.be/RP5q2RiCeZw The Chimes - Chop Chop Hollywood Saxons - Loving You Suz x
  13. p.s. went on the Soultrip USA to new York and was outside the Hotel having a fag and this little Black fella with a white hat on (can I say that ?) asked me for a light , got chatting and it was Sidney Barnes !!!! I met Sid Barnes when me and me sis went to Soul in Ibiza week. A lovely bloke he is Here's a pic of me with him
  14. Low down dirrty rhythm and blues and early soul. I also like a few good choice 70s. Modern stuff ain't my cup of char Suz x
  15. Excellent will have a listen x
  16. https://youtu.be/TzQKJrdfhcI Four Tops version every time for me. The harmony bit in the middle is sublime imo Suz x
  17. hiya suz,was at york last night,davy and the girls was there,hope to see you and the gang at bishop friday,save us a seat,im at work till 7....k Okey doke Keith will be good to see ya Suz x
  18. cheers carol how you doing not seen you for a while,i was chuckling when i wrote the posts but illhave to remember not I have your daft humour also Keith and Carol being a North Easterner. For the record I have lots of gay and straight friends I'm like Julie Moore and others I see the person not the bloomin sexuality. Suz x
  19. You know I would never go and diss a record on somebody's want posting, I think it is shameful Glad you got fixed up Jimmy
  20. Three Little Pigs - James Duncan Is that because you live on a farm tho Suz ?? eh no, we don't have any pigs. Suz x
  21. Four records I dislike: I'm So Happy - Prince Phillip Mitchell My Man Is A Sweet Man - Millie Jackson Lonely For You Baby - Sam Dees Three Little Pigs - James Duncan Suz x
  22. First heard it on a tape in the mid to late 1980s. Love it Suz xx

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