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Everything posted by Suzannek

  1. I also agree with you there Kev: Middleton and Stormin Soul Nighter, Barnsley two brill nighters Suz x
  2. One of my faves by Carla, The Puppet Suz x
  3. I bet you talked the hind leg off the camel that's for certain lol Suz x
  4. Obviously been down the bazaar haggling in Egypt Suz x
  5. I can concur about Germany, it took 8 weeks for my copy of Lois Blaine 'Here Am I' to come from there quite a few years ago. The bloke said he wasn't a professional seller so it had taken him weeks to send it, I felt like replying I wasn't a professional buyer, but I still paid him straightaway! Suz x
  6. I've had another listen to Col on the show, absolutely awesome sounds Suz x
  7. God help them if they get on the subject of OVO!! Suz x
  8. Winnie it was on Wednesday 22 February Suz x
  9. It was someone from Bradford I know. I missed it as was late in from work Suz x
  10. I had this with a seller from South America, I bought a record on Buy It Now as it was cheap as chips for that particular 45 and then found the seller only sold to the US I contacted the seller and apparently he was only selling in the US because he'd had a bad time with UK buyers bidding on records and not paying him! Anyway I was pleased to say he accepted me payment, I received the 45 quickly also and he gave me great feedback Suz x
  11. I also love this lovely ballad mind and would always dance to this Suz x
  12. Three from me One Block from Heaven - Mary Wells He Don't Care About Me - sung by Claudette Robinson (off Smokie Robinson and the Miracles first album) Lois - Little Stevie Wonder Suz x https://youtu.be/AVTErUdFF5Y Little Stevie Wonder - Lois Mary Wells - One Block From Heaven
  13. Yes that is another great track by Marvin Suz x
  14. richard caiton - i'd like to get near you I always like dancing to that one too Suz x
  15. Helene Smith Thrills and Chills another one I love to hear out Suz x
  16. There's hundreds I can choose and they are just the classic 'Northern' soul kinda records. Suz x
  17. Too many to mention really, but these three soul tracks will always get me up dancing Marvin Gaye "When I feel the need" The Passions "If You See My Baby" The Charmaines "I Idolize You" Suz x
  18. Nice one, I didn't know it... which ain't a surprise Suz x
  19. I think he has a resemblance to Michael Ball also Suz x
  20. There's certainly none in Wolsingham or Bishop lol Bishop used to have a Brothertons that sold records, but that closed down long ago. There's still a Brotherton's shop in Bishop, but they only sell record player needles, music sheets and musical instruments that sort of stuff. Suz x
  21. Not Pretty Girl by the Phonetics that does have a bit of a latin beat, I wouldn't really describe it as midtempo though Suz x
  22. It sounds a bit like Do What You Wanna by Ramsey Lewis Suz x

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