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Everything posted by Suzannek

  1. Birds Foot Trefoil in the bull rushes of the pea family the vetches are the same family of wildflowers
  2. The first bluebells at Morley 2 mile from where I live, none where I live or down my favourite woods as too cold still, but Morley is sheltered and 2 degrees warmer
  3. Mr Starling perched up above the suet ball feeder, there was a lovely great tit on the seed feeder, but he decided to hide around the side Suz x
  4. We have animals there is a muck heap, it attracts midgies and other insects, plenty of food for the swallows, bedding with mud and hay/straw ideal for them really, it is also up a height inside away from the cats Suz x
  5. Good news about our swallows they are back, two couples are squabbling over the prime nest lol. Last year one pair raised four broods from that nest Suz x
  6. I went down my favourite woods where I live on Good Friday, the woods were looking lovely a sea of yellow (lesser celandine) and white (wood anemones) they're in full bloom, everywhere else in the country they flower much earlier, we won't get our bluebells until May/June Here are a few pics of the lesser celandines, wood anemones and milk maid sorry at the quality of some of them Suz x
  7. We've just got one arrived this weekend, we are still getting nightly frosts Suz x
  8. No swallows yet in the Durham Dales, it is gonna be cold again this weekend, maximum of 4 degrees. The swallows should be arriving in the next few weeks Suz x
  9. This is a little waterfall where I live These are Harebells related to the Bluebell they only grow on poor nutrient/infertile grassland, taken last June at Wham, Teesdale where I live
  10. Love the photos of the partridges, we get loads in Teesdale where I live. We get loads of these beautiful birds too black grouse I saw quite a few last year Suz x
  11. We have a breeding pair of Sparrowhawks that visit our garden and snatch a little bird now and again Suz bird of paradise Here's a pic of some of our feathered folk xxx
  12. I'm so happy by Prince Phillip Mirchell yuk Suz x
  13. Great to see you Davy, Sue and Pauline. I enjoyed the RAFA, the music was spot on as usual Suz x
  14. I hope it is not telling us we are gonna have an early winter :/ At ours yesterday it was like a sunny September day, the sun was shining but the wind was cold! Suz x
  15. Here is a photo of three of our new arrivals with their mam Suz x
  16. I know Pete I agree it is a Long Tailed Tit now I've had a look at it. I haven't seen any of them in our garden. We get blue tits, great tits and coal tits though Suz x
  17. You are right now that I have had a proper look at the picture...I was brought up to know British birds and wildlife my granda taught me the names, of course it helps living deep in the countryside. We get a sparrowhawk in our garden snatching a sparrow out of the bushes now and again Suz x
  18. We also have yellow wagtails nesting on our land Suz x
  19. I know a beautiful bird they are. They are very rare on the RSPB amber list. They are also not meant to be in the Pennines, well that's a load of crap cos where I live is part of the North Pennines! Suz x
  20. It looks like a female Chaffinch Pete Suz x
  21. A photo of a blue tit on my suet ball feeder I took this morning . We had two yellow hammers on the seed feeder on Tuesday Suz x
  22. Me mam said there was six of them on the feeder earlier on. The feeders have been a god send for the birds, even our swallows were eating suet balls off the feeder when they first arrived as there were no insects about. Suz x
  23. Sorry about the quality of this photo but it is a Blue Tit on me suet ball feeder Suz x
  24. Early soul and rnb they haven't a clue what am on about lol. Suz x

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