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Tony Smith

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Everything posted by Tony Smith

  1. Originals only!, an exexption made say for legitimate vinyl releases of previous unreleased tracks i.e Kent 45's, and bollocks to the "It's What in the Groove Counts" apologists, I don't want to travel a couple of hundred mile to hear poor quality vinyl carvers lookilikes, or as occurred in the past, acetates cut from a tape that end only to launch into the next track on the source tape. If Berry Gordy thought his motto was being used to justify bootlegging and sharp practice, he'd send some very large blokes round to help change your mind. So what do you play Mr. Hubert Street, if that is your name? I've just seen on the other topic, Barry I presume
  2. Just to add Little Frankie Lee Don't make me cry PEACOCK Great little record, check out his "I Gotta Come Back" too Both seem to have missed being picked up on to any degree in spite of being superior to a lot of tripe played and cheaper too!
  3. Keith Curtiss played c/u at Stafford by Guy as George Blackwell, didn't it come out of Bernie's barn, from Levines old collection? Got one out of Collectibles for $20 back in the good ol' set sale days (remember them?) As for Pete S' review of Tobbi Bowe, I disagree, Mamie Lee is limp and should still be languishing in £3 or best offer boxes!, in 20 years or so I've only seen Tobbi Bowe come up 3 or 4 times, I bought it of Ted Massey back in 89 or 90 for 125, then let it go last year for a price I couldn't refuse. Wasn't there rumoured to be a 2nd release by her on Patheway? there definately was a missing number I didn't have.
  4. Definately and very different vocal take, wasn't it on Pye, just preceeding the Disco Demand series? Can't remember the number 7N etc. etc. never one of my favourite labels, Rn'B series aside and the obvious Cameo ones always looked like they spent 2 bob on promotion,unlike those glorious EMI 'A' labels...sorry I'm rambling
  5. Just seen this! "Some Other Guy" fantastic groove, The Beatles chose it to play on their very first tv appearance for good reason, it became a staple of the beat/ r'n'b scene and deserves it place along with "Louie, Louie","Do You Love Me", "Fortune Teller" at the table of exciting sounds that exploded out of the USA between 1960-62 leading on one hand to the group boom and on the other to those who wouldn't settle for nothing but the original. Sadly Richie never topped this Atlantic release, but,what a fabulous one shot! If you've got it, play it loud, I'm digging out a much abused but, still playable London-American copy that survived my Dad's musical journey through the 60's weathering the ebb and flow of taste, fad & fashion, re-emerging amidst the '79 revival of all things Mod, opening a door for me as it had for others 17 years earlier. R.I.P.
  6. Don't remember this being played a TOTW, but I did get 15 copies off Koppel at the time and played it at the 100 club as Leon Washington and Paris Junior!
  7. c/u as Ray Pollard "Going Back To Ghetto Town"
  8. That was it! The waiters became more apparent after Edwin had finished and the club went back to catering for it's usual clientele.
  9. I was at that one!, in Mayfair, dodgy waiters on roller skates getting in the way, now what was the name of the place?
  10. Bob recorded as Bob Seeger System in the 60's for Cameo amongst others. Horrid record!!
  11. So what's J.J. Arrington like then? Dan Marino is some kind of Rufus Lumley "Stronger Than Me" thing, is it not??
  12. Caused a stir in Echoes at the tme, he'd had a fight with his brother the week before if my memory serves me right
  13. So it can't be proved to be legitimate, and it's shit.....am I missing something fellas? Think I prefered the "Room is 6x6" Tony Turner, or the Major Bill legends, so has anyone got "Agent For Love" Yvonne Baker then?
  14. One of the more unsavoury aspects of the scene rears it's head once again! Makes you wonder why it's worth dragging your records out, to have some light-fingered scum bag wait for for you to turn your back and help themselves. Hope you get your record back, then name the offender so others can be aware !
  15. Both Ortheia Barnes 45s are worth picking up also Sandra Wright "Gotta See My Baby", Sharon Soul "Weak Spot"
  16. Kenny has given me some tecchy details, so hopefully (intake of breath) I'm gonna try to do some over the weekend, if I get a chance! Very well mate, 400 seems low to me, surprised John hasn't got it in his book, I got it off him!
  17. Hopefully I'm going all hi-tech soon and will be able to do mp3's, watch this space, oh, and Happy Birthday.
  18. Thought that was an unconnected label with the same name?
  19. The Ster-Phonics "If You Don't Do Right"/"Roamin' Heart" Enjoy Pat Brady's old Tamala Lewis C/U from Stafford/Rotherham and other places Ta
  20. ....And to think I eventually sold mine for £35 8 years ago, great record, does anyone know who did the Motown version?

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