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Tony Smith

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Everything posted by Tony Smith

  1. I wouldn't say the Sonny Herman is impossible!
  2. Had it on good authority Jimmy Wonderful is Arin Demain!
  3. Hi Chris, Don't remember it being played much, more of a Butch sales tape item..
  4. I used to play this back in the late 80's-early 90's at me and Ion's do's after getting it off Soul Bowl for £20.00, still a fave of mine might give it a spin at Crossfire on Saturday!
  5. So.... the answer is yes, there is a connection!
  6. still quite like a magic touch......(insert joke here)
  7. When I was 16 or 17 and still lived with my Mum, came home from work Tuesday night, to find Pete hoovering the front room, Mum asking "2 eggs with your chips, Pete?", she'd never met him before, and after being asked to leave where he was staying, landed on my door with a sales tape he'd meant to post. My Mum thought he was a great lad, and if he was an example of the people I was knockng about with she could rest easy, Heh heh heh, cheers Pete
  8. "Had" the same tape, Rob borrowed mine back to do some more copies, never got it back, along with a bag load of others! Still owned by Richard Searling
  9. Paulette-Love You Babe-Contact
  10. That's Salems Travellers on Checker (devotional series!)
  11. There were also a couple of good alldayers at Clapham run by Clarkie
  12. Last I heard he was teaching golf in Austria!!
  13. Original has heavier vinyl, scratched in matrix, label colouor is deeper red.
  14. That was the day I got "Smokey" off him ,after having a break from Jack Montgomery,he played it fifty times.

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