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Tony Smith

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Everything posted by Tony Smith

  1. Well worth a read, now I know where I was going wrong.....
  2. I had that too, but he didn't play on it, he was Jimmy Delphs guitarist in Ohio in later years...Just found his email: Hi -- I played in Jimmy's backup band in the early 1980's, after all his recordings. We used to do gigs around Detroit, southeast Michigan, and Toledo, Ohio. I was in my 20's at the time and did not realize how significant or profound Jimmy was really. When I listen to him now, he sounds like a cross between Otis Redding, Wilson Pickett and Marvin Gaye. He can do what each of them did. I saw a posting about "Don't Sign the Papers" where the person said that Jimmy might have been a mega-star in some alternative universe. I think that is correct. Jimmy was perfectionist to work for. He could be demanding. But he was a gentleman. I have heard that he leads a choir in a church in Toledo, Ohio, his hometown.
  3. I've got the Turkish one, not dinked and in original sleeve, unfortunately although mint, Showstoppers side sounds like it's been dubbed off a well played copy, "Copp" side plays much better, Beacon's distribution was picked up in the Uk by EMI, Whose HMV Imprint was its outlet in Turkey at the time.
  4. A rare semi-known one..... Jim Majure - Go on fool (3J) Ex Great Northern doublesider! rarely turns up! Price is £100 UK££ incl shipping.
  5. https://my.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?MyEbay&gbh=1&CurrentPage=MyeBayAllSelling&ssPageName=STRK:ME:LNLK:MESX
  6. I'll Be Hanging On - someone must have one they want to get shot of? Cheers
  7. Unfortunately both have hairline cracks, both play through though, Jock having the occasion tick but nothing too bad to detract from listening, was a play copy for a while, O-Jays plays with no noise whatsoever. A chance to bag at a fraction of the going rate https://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/tony_baroni/m.html?item=172303253968&hash=item281e1301d0%3Ag%3ACS4AAOSwaB5XrZ9I&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2562 Any questions fire away!
  8. Fabulous Downbeats on Hit Kingdom? You sure? Stagemasters was on Hit Kingdom
  9. I picked up the west coast demo off eBay a couple of years back for under 20 and was only bidder!
  10. I think he means the red stock copy of the Mercury release not the Blue Rock.
  11. Out of curiosity what does Mel Wynn go for now?
  12. Only just seen this, sad news, used to look forward to his lists back in the day and many a good tune off him, like all say at really reasonable prices, and was a pleasure to speak to when I rang up. RIP John
  13. I'm over first week of Sept. So hopefully something is on!
  14. The Pearltone label (Freddy & Sounds of Soul) was her label wasn't it? "Im Gonna Stick With You" her best by a country mile!
  15. No mate, it went to Flynny it was a long time ago....

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