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Tony Smith

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Everything posted by Tony Smith

  1. F**k me, there's been some heavy stuff on Ebay of late, these 2, Eric Mercury, Tommy & Derbys, Dennis Edwards (admittedly cracked), Margaret Little, Pee Wee, Shuck, Jimmy Delphs Demo all there for a modest lotto win!
  2. Beware of the lookalike boots of the demo as well
  3. It isn't an expensive or rare record, it was the horn work that got me, mind you I've always quite liked odd-ball instrumentals. Also thanks Boba for the info
  4. You're on fire today, Pete
  5. I bought this record off Ady Pountain for £3 some 20 odd years ago, I liked the sound of it then, still do, wouldn't have ever dreamed of playing it out though.
  6. I've always liked it myself (much to Jocks disgust!), also heard the Lemon brothers got life, a polieman shot during a failed robbery, after they had lost money buying Terra-Shirma, or did I imagne that?
  7. Exactly what has happened, looks like.
  8. Any chance of an invite to an Islington dinner party?
  9. For Gary Rushbrooke, lest we forget.
  10. Dave Flynn has one, Ady Croasdell, Butch, Carl Fortnum....Awful track IMO
  11. I've been playing the alternate version of this on and off for 15 years or so, a big fave of Mickey Cruise's.
  12. So its not on Aristocrat then pop pickers?
  13. I agree and here he is the tango dancing devil
  14. I once DJ'd an entire weekender in Spain (with Ady Croasdells' prompting I may add) in fast show mode "reth-te-te-te-te-te-te-ton-Ray Agee-ton-Chrissie Waddle" etc...... You had to be there
  15. That IS my confusion Bob, in the back of my mind I knew they were different artistes, can't remember everything is there anything else of note on CRA? Thanks
  16. I've just put a copy of this on the bay, had it knocking around for years, wondered if it is the same group as Twinight and Gemigo? and did Clifford Curry have much involvement in Chicago?
  17. Hi Craig, Magictones also came out on red, "Me & My Baby" 106 (issued again later as the flip to "How Can I Forget You", I'm missing this particular 45 so if you'd like to make my day sell me it
  18. Was the Sam E. Solo released on Enterprise? would like to see a scan, I have it on Ruby (same Cat. No.)along with the other Sam E & Wonderettes releases.
  19. Too rocky to be of any value to a soul collector, had it and chucked it in the bin!
  20. Don't know mate, I haven't had a chance to listen to that.

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