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Tony Smith

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Everything posted by Tony Smith

  1. Nah, he got it from Keb (who got it from Butch)!
  2. Even if I had the cash, I wouldn't trust this guy to package the record safely, I'd be gutted if it arrived in 2 pieces.
  3. You won't be disappointed Dave, certainly sounded the bizzo Saturday night
  4. See there's a Kell Osbourne "Heartbreaking Woman" on Ebay at the moment, though I have had problems in the past with the seller.
  5. I'd like to hear this too, can someone mp3 it? muchos gracias!
  6. Thats's a my fault baby!, the chord progressions are similar, I guess thats were I got it from, unless I can find that old tape from Tim Ash and it wasn't the Autographs...
  7. They changed the label design after the first few releases, don't think there's anthing particularily unusual about that or am I missing something?
  8. Tony Smith


    C/U as Hudson Alexander,wasn't it?
  9. West Coast Dist on Jam-Cha at least 500+
  10. This was a fairly easy to come by record 15-20 years back for no more than £12, I'm sure Craig Moerer had a quantity back then and maybe Ady Pierce, it certainly isn't the hardest thing on Starmaker, although BB is a good transitional record, didn't personally think it was good enough to play back then or now.
  11. Masquaders on Soultown was massive for Guy at Stafford c/u as the Albanians, Rob and myself both had the M.B's at the same time, it was c/u briefly by Butch, Malcolm Hayes I think? I last played it out at Burnley last year to divided opinion.
  12. Hi Kev, I think the quality control referred to pressed records, over the years i've only seen this stamp on the finished product including Tims' copy, I've a Dalton Boys issue which is stamped and annotated with the same handwriting as FW. Acetates are pre-production and of all the ones I've seen I don't remeber seeing the QC stamp on any of them.
  13. I sold my issue to Tim Brown 14 years ago is this one of the 3 you know of? I've seen at least 3 more since then.
  14. Also released as the Four Reputations on Millage.....
  15. Heh heh, the old memory playing tricks on me (again), wonder where I got that from? Tell Dave Mr. Endell sends his regards.
  16. He also had releases on Hickory including "Go On Back" which got a few plays, years back, pretty sure there is no UK release on this.
  17. I would say he kept it covered as it was at Yate, Lawson said as much, I remember Dave Walmsley saying the same.
  18. I'm sure it even got played at wigan as Billy Vera & Judy Clay by Searling, Dave Molloy told me so and it was with respect to Clarkie. Kenny your copy was only a few years back 6? and a lucky find in Camden, 10 Bob!
  19. It's by The Defenders on Sama, I used to play it 15+ years ago at Blackburn, Salmon on here also had a copy. Think Saus had my copy, it's a hard one, the credits on the label are the same as Big Don's Rebellion.

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