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Tony Smith

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Everything posted by Tony Smith

  1. Wasn't their first Fontana 45 a Duke cover ,Soul Sisters?, haven't got the relevant info at hand, but having a residency at the Twisted Wheel would've put them in contact with a lot of obscure sounds to pick from.
  2. I'm sure Dave Moore had an issue and a demo.
  3. Maybe you're a bit late to visit Burnley! Lifeline is still going strong, and whats with this mod/London angle anyway?. You're promoting a do at the old Valatone venue, what are you proposing that is going to be any different?
  4. With you on that one Phil, very average record IMO
  5. They were good lads and very respectful (especially when handling my records!)
  6. You all seem to be thinking the allnighter is ending, which is wrong!
  7. And just to add for the folks who don't bother reading the lookbacks, all UK flights cancelled, Spencer Wiggins cleared for Take Off!!
  8. Think the flip is on their Broadway release too? I had a couple knocking about Kenny, I'll have a look tomorrow and get back to you.
  9. No Steve, it would seem they are not, shocking really!
  10. Isn't that "Wall to wall uglyness"?
  11. Looking to complete the run, so let me know what you've got, sensible prices please must be ex at least, no label writing either (though may consider on rarer items) Ta in advance.
  12. That'll be Blue Steam on Catamount, a Dave Withers discovery I believe? I had one, can't remember were it went, hope you're well mate.
  13. Enjoyed both times I dj'd for you at Burnley Phil, well done for sticking at it and hope you carry on.
  14. Also I believe The Creators (Little Johnny Hamilton's backing band) also were part of the War family tree?
  15. Must say this is eagerly awaited, finally I can put my "Collectors guide to Detroit" away!
  16. I thought these were done at the same time as the Silky Hargeaves inst. mid 70's?
  17. Shoot me down in flames if I'm wrong,din't Richard play it first as Charles Thomas, then Gary as Soul Shakers? P.S. hope you're well mate? T

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