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Tony Smith

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Everything posted by Tony Smith

  1. Yeah, way , way off centre, whoever dubbed it must've been stoned!
  2. https://cgi.ebay.com/Clay-Town-17700-Bobby-Reed-Northern-Soul_W0QQitemZ160522963717QQcategoryZ306QQcmdZViewItem
  3. Which, of course is denoted by being recorded off centre! The instrumental b-side that is!! In agreement with Tony (Happy Xmas by the way!) harder to find on real stock.
  4. Yes, Amy & Mala ceased to exist at the latter part of '69, prior to Columbia Pictures taking over.
  5. I've got his address at home, saw him at his wedding a few months back, will PM you later Barry.
  6. I disagree, by the time this record was released the plastic style label was almost non-existant and indeed Mala & Amy disappeared and only the Bell label continued with Silver paper issues and Red paper demos. examples being Lou Ragland demos & issues paper only and also Bernie Williams same....
  7. Yes mate by Rob Marriott c/u as Roy Hamilton, when I got it of him. T
  8. Sold mine for a shade over 2K a few years back.
  9. All the copies I've seen are credited to Romona Collins how do we know its mispelled? I didn't think there was any difference in the labels, I'd rather have the "long intro" the other one is slower as well isn't it, wheres Chalky when you need him?
  10. Not as far as I know, I remember Ion getting it from Barrie and having it covered up as Sandy Fortier and years later I took Rob Marriott to Ion's flat when the deal was done for him to buy it.
  11. It's taken at a faster pace than Chuck, did get a few spins years back. There is also Shades of Blue version, which has different credits I think?
  12. That was Ray Jimenez on Columbia, but I don't think that is the record in question.
  13. I got the Tina Roberts, had to let it go a couple of years ago, quite a bit more....
  14. The embossed "KT" refers to the band of purchase tax was to be charged on each record, was my understanding. Was there a pressing plant in Kentish Town? EMI's plant was in Hayes. Middlesex.
  15. Billy & Betty, who recorded on Sag-Port?
  16. Tony Smith

    image (3)

    Nick Birch, Martin Maylor, Gilly in shades, Jaquie Green as well as Chris Ashby!

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