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Tony Smith

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Everything posted by Tony Smith

  1. I know someone with at least a dozen copies gathering dust!
  2. Plays fine, just been well loved over the years Mind you it only cost me £75
  3. Sounds okay to me am I missing something?
  4. The first copy (your one I presume, Steve) Tim Ash got years back, he had it on tape for a while then finally persuaded the original owner to part with it , one of the songwriters ,sure Butch will put us right here.
  5. I do hope this not going to become another sub-strand to get played, can we please get back to 4 beats to the bar!!
  6. I'd be surprised if this is a 1980 recording, I'm assuming we're talking about "I Found Someone" here? Gotta be late 68-71 period I would've thought?
  7. ...And that came from John Powney!
  8. Possibly Dave, but isn't the promo the other side on both?
  9. Calvin Grayson "Lonely you'll be" Don't think that's right Rob? Calvin Willims maybe?
  10. What did the last copy John auctioned go for?, it was only a couple of years back, perhaps someone can make a chart?
  11. How was this a Wigan reject then? I don't think this was a c/u for 10 years either.
  12. I played Dave Charles on Donnie, as Dave Charles as I couldn't think of anything else it sounded like!
  13. Wasn't John Bowie a Highland Room spin for Colin Curtis?
  14. Anglos definitely exists as an issue and on vinyl, I had one.
  15. Ion , you might have me there, your grey matter still in good working order, I'll ask Gilly to confirm of course, either way at worst I'm 50% right
  16. It was known (and Tokays) back in the Torch days obvs toooo slow but had a couple of fans as both were spotted in mags, Hot Buttered Soul ?, the same mag had wants for Brown Bombers on Amazing!.
  17. Not sure I'd want to spend 2G on that fragile Wand styrene, one wrong needle and psssssss! There's a few of these surfaced now, great record both sides.
  18. 19 Academy d'oh 13 Hit Kingdom Correct. Well done. Getting down to the nitty gritty now!
  19. Tony Borders, Billy Washington,Grover Mitchell & Joan Moody, not sure if these were leased in though, a Kent CD covers some of TCF label (can't remember which at the moment).
  20. That's sad new Ian, only really met Mick a few times, and as you say a really nice guy, if you can pass on my condolences. R.I.P.

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