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Tony Smith

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Everything posted by Tony Smith

  1. Yeah, and it probably tastes better than the west coast one!!
  2. Re: label designs, the "stripey" ones are east coast releases and the ones with Fairmount "arched" around the top of the label are west coast 'styrene' pressings. Damon Fox definately from 1966.
  3. Are they in with your Stock, Aiken and Waterman collection then? I think we should know!
  4. There are things I can't repeat on a family based forum like this!
  5. Cough, cough, I DJ'd at this! and no I wasn't wearing chaps or a leather cap before anyone asks! Don't remember it being billed as a gay alldayer (Sensible Soul, I thought?), though I do remember a couple of unsettling things going off!
  6. 6 degrees of separation goes wild! Agree with you Mick, I got mine for 80 after a long, long while, lots of boots posing as real 'uns, you just can't find it anymore, I know Brownie has sold it for 600+ as has Shifty, anyone got a demo? just imagine one on Giant, Wow!
  7. Originals of Mikki, are around 600+ these days!!
  8. No, I'm not aware of it ever being bootlegged.
  9. "What's This I See" came out on 2 different designs on Curtom, I haven't got any scans and can't remember the differences, so all in all a pretty useless post!
  10. Al, don't you mean her Dennis Waterman collection!
  11. Slightly off-tack,but, back in 83-84 I used to run a soul night at the Carved Red Lion in Islington on a Thursday night, there was a varying degree of success, unfortunately the management changed hands and I turn up to find a new regime in place, and on one of the last nights he finished us after being there about an hour or so because "We've got some builders in from Leeds and they wanna hear some Rock'n'Roll", seemed funny at the time, maybe it's the way I tell 'em???, the remaining part of the soul night was spent with a bunch of us 'round at my Mums.
  12. In agreement with you yet again Gareth, I agreed 'bout those knobheads at the 100 on Sat, Darrell etc., don't forget their wonderful Kapp outing "Another Sundown In Watts", basically a re-hash of "Streetlamp" fabulous stuff-Ain't soul great!
  13. Can't agree more, not before time too!
  14. I thought I'd wait a bit before involving myself in this debate. Records like the Darrow Fletcher in question has long been a collectors favourite, I can remember buying 15 copies of this and "infatuation" off Lou Silvani back in the 80's for something like 80 cents each and bemoaning that he wanted a dollar each for "what good am I" which I still took anyway as I figured these records wouldn't always be available to buy in bulk, I struggled to sell them at £3, regardless of quality they had long been known and weren't considered rare or, exclusive enough to play so therefore no demand outside of collectors (who probably already had them) ever built up on them, occasionally I'd play "What Have I got Now" to someone on the Sunday afternoon recovery session and they'd go "this is brilliant, why isn't it played?", and you go "well it's just a tape sound". A few years pass and you've given it a couple of spins, all of a sudden there's a bit of a buzz about this cheap gem but, where are the copies now? long gone thats where! It's a pity you weren't there when I was virtually giving them away, that's life!, if someone wants to pay £200 for it, so what!, records have always been demand led on the scene, you always knew things could turn up, that was the chance you took! There are plenty of places to get stuff other than E-bay, have a bit of imagination, wade through a record box you never know you might pick up on the next big cheapy re-activation, I've done it( Cheers Mick!).
  15. Can't find it luv...what am I looking for????
  16. 1966 I would think, and that's all I know! Oh, nearly forgot! They're not English.
  17. I lent you it last year!! (on Money that is) Also at the time I couldn't find it but, did you need Bobby A's "Living Lie" ?
  18. The 'real' 6x6 never turned up (Tony Turner-Musicor), there's the thing on LeCam which has a similar hook, "You've Got To Believe In Thine Ownself", can't remember the artist name just now, but it's awful anyway!!
  19. Yes, the sound was a bit strange to say the least! Andy Fisher "Heart's Beating Stronger" sounded like an inst. for about half the song, then his voice came swooshing in....Marvellos' "Something Burning" had an entirely different break which sounded like the orchestra fell through the roof!!
  20. Wasn't there something credited to Al Kent, that may have been a 'custom' job?? too early in the week for joined up thinking!

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