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Tony Smith

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Everything posted by Tony Smith

  1. Indeed they are, lovely knap on m too
  2. I believe this guy had a ponytail also.....
  3. And don't forget Susan Rafey, her 2 Verve outings quel fromage!
  4. Blimey, opened a can of worms there didn't I? Afternoon Mr Byrne! Here's something for you shoegazers.....
  5. Why bother going to allnighters to watch barely adequate DJ's spin old 45's when you can see this lot? MAD FOR IT!!
  6. Eh up Kenny old lad! Would that be the Danish Blue Sharks you've a liking for? Diamond Cheezers inc. Lovelace "variety performance" Watkins Cletus Marland Samantha Jones and Sue Lynn I've always thought more big top trapeze type efforts though both are tainted with queso.
  7. They don't play when I download to disk, but, play ok within the page??a 2-piper methinks
  8. Have you downloads from other sites? obvious things like hard-drive space?
  9. Clifford Binns on Theoda?? really?
  10. GERRY MCORMICK [sTAMFORD] Last working in New York, i've got a email address for him somewhere.
  11. Dave & Sue deffo in Cornwall, a ffriend of mine who I've lost contact with (Jan) was still in touch with them, Dave had settled down somewhat, if you know what I mean
  12. They vocalised for the Crickets in the 60's after Buddys' death.
  13. Can anyone out there in SS land point out some records from any era cheap or unknown that are as good or, even better than that groover by Larry Trider TIA
  14. I've just forced myself to listen to this £200+ sound (when out I can stuff flyers in my ears) and I still don't get it! can someone please enlighten me??
  15. Mind you going down this road, Frank Lyndon was also a Cricket at one time too
  16. the Buddy Holly ones, he's from the same town Lubbock, Texas
  17. Always thought it was a bit of a myth about the chip van. Heard different stories about what to ask for, S&K pudding, chips with gravy...etc.. Did you used to go to the pub on the corner? Well dodgy, always full of footy fans looking for a ruck. link
  18. He was in the (60's )Crickets, say no more ,or has this been done?
  19. Joe Buckman "Til The End Of Time" on Sepia is an Andy W. cover
  20. Heres A 'Forgotten' Stafford Track 'Bee Gee Stans,Front Page Love' Covered Up As ? link

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