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Mick Sway

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Everything posted by Mick Sway

  1. ) Kieth had a great British collection during the Wheel era. It was highly likely that he was the source and that was the story put out at the Torch (i'm talking about June 1969 from memory) when Keith was top DJ there. This was pre-all nighter days when many used to shoot off to the Wheel after the Torch as it closed around 11.30 pm, having no late license. I seem to recall Jeff King calling on his way to the Wheel with boxes of Soul Sounds. Tina and I bought one or two at the time for £1 1s, earning about £8 a week at the time they were quite expensive. I still have my copy of Baby Reconsider, which I foolishly pasted a home drawn Fat Fish label on. Although the rumer persisted that Jeff King was sent down for his boot legging, this was refuted in the threads below. See here for more info on early boots:
  2. Still a lot of lolly..
  3. To be fair, I know that this is now a classic, but i just can't believe that anyone would pay over £300 for it. Doug Banks: See here: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Northern-Soul-45-DOUG-BANKS-Just-Kept-Dancing-b-w-Baby-Since-Argo-NM-/371000154878
  4. Available on i-tunes here: https://itunes.apple.com/album/stormy-weather/id203210183?i=203210219&affId=1590916&ign-mpt=uo%3D5
  5. Mine was £50 from John Manship about 10 years ago. Lyrically just a great record, well sung. Could someone clarify if the blue label release is a different cut or just a different pressing? Always great to see a discussion about a tune as good as this. TFS
  6. I seem to recall seeing this discussion before some while ago. Is it likely, do you think that the English Actress would have written and sung this esstential R'nB record which was arranged by the famous Sam Cook arranger and guitarist Rene' Hall? As it happens the disc was put out twice on the same number Hondo 100 with both yellow and black labels. However the black label has the name spelled "Ann" , without the E. Interesting thought though. Can anyone confirm that this is an LA label?
  7. Haven't been through all the pages on this thread, so I'll doff my hat to anyone who likes or owns this. The V.I.P's You pulled a fast one Big Top (also a nice French picture cover EP I think) Just about my speed these days:
  8. Been big for years, also fetching ridiculous prices along the way, see here Both sides are great, unfortunately more double A sided Volt "love changes" demos out there than issues. Wish I had one. Cheers.
  9. About 15 years ago my mate Dave Phones sent me a tape of the a local radio show from Telford, called "Basement Soul" which included on its play list Priscilla's "Only Yesterday" . I found it so stunning I just had to get a copy and as it was before Ebay, I paid over the top at the time to get one from Craig Moerer. Released on Geneva and BASF , a Jimmy Roach arrangement. Sorry I don't know any more about her than this gut wrenching ballad And apologies didn't mean to appear patronising over the Kent compilation references.
  10. I'd be much surprised if there's not a least one picture and a brief biog in the sleeve notes to Kent's Dave Hamilton's Detroit series. There are three excellent "dance" compilations plus a couple of others. Although I doubt if there's anything that adds to Robb's post in the notes. https://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=Dave%20Hamilton%27s%20Detroit%20Dancers%20Volume
  11. It's scandalous and has been often covered on these pages, also in connection with this seller. In fact on one occasion a couple of years ago, Soulsource Admin admonished me for raising it since they regarded it as futile. The bottom line is that if Universal Music can't be bothered to pursue the matter, then why should anyone else care. They must still have agents and contacts with the scene, that must be aware of the copyright breach. Ebay themselves have a form to report such matters with, however it has to be faxed to them.
  12. Although I wouldn't argue with the experts, maybe next time I post I'll check it out on the mixer's beat monitor first. I suppose you might say the same about Bobby Day too. Enjoyable thread none the less..........
  13. My choices are bit obvious I know, always thought Bobby Day - Pretty Girl Next Door , Takes some beating. Along with Kenny Cater I've got to find her and of course H B Barnum. However it just goes to show that there'd be plenty to play with for another of those great Kent RCA Compilations.
  14. From the album: Golden Torch Flyers

    Top Rank Suit flyer from about 1973

    © Mick Sway

  15. From the album: Golden Torch Flyers

    © Mick Sway

  16. Pharrell Williams? Is this legit? https://www.ebay.com/itm/221351052116?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  17. Can't hear any bleeps on this recording but it does fade out rather quickly. Great tune though.
  18. From the album: Golden Torch Flyers

    © Mick Sway

  19. Mick Sway

    torch flyer dec 1973

    From the album: Golden Torch Flyers

    © Mick Sway

  20. From the album: Golden Torch Flyers

    never did get to see those topless go-go dancers!

    © Mick Sway

  21. From the album: Golden Torch Flyers

    © Mick Sway

  22. From the album: Golden Torch Flyers

    Some rather battered flyers from the Torch circa 1973, including my wife's membership card. Actually I had a lot more in much better condition, but lost them in very trusting circumstances. During the post production of The Strange world of Northern Soul, Ian Levine made an appeal on Richard Searling's Cellarfull of Soul Show, for Northern Soul memorabilia which would be safely returned once photographed if used. Duly sent off well packed and recorded, they were never returned. Did anyone else fall fowl of this?

    © Mick Sway

  23. Popsike says about £45, see here: https://www.popsike.com/php/quicksearch.php?searchtext=Clarence+Reid+you+got+to+fight&thumbs=&currsel=&sortord=&x=22&y=9

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