The night after the last 100 Club I awoke in agony with pains in my legs, due I think to back problems. As I sat on the edge of the bed I thought you must be mad to do allnighters and dance, etc. Perhaps it's time to give them up and only attend afternoon sessions.
The next day I saw the video of the last 5 or so minutes at the 100 Club on Facebook, with loads of my friends dancing, even a glimpse of me at the back, and I knew I couldn't give this up. It is my life, sad individual that I am. Going out to soul nights with my friends after I lost my wife was a lifesaver. If I give up now what would I do? Watch TV every night? And there is something about a nighter and coming home when your neighbours are just waking up. I'm still an 18-year-old inside.
Therefore I intend to carry on as long as I physically can, and of course while I enjoy it. Luckily I enjoy most styles of soul music so there is enough out there to satisfy me for ages to come. I just don't want to embarrass anyone.