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Everything posted by Geoff

  1. Incoming phone call: Barbara St Clair - Teacher Man Incoming text: Joi Cardwell - Let It Go
  2. Off the top of my head these ring my bell big time at the moment: Pro Fascinations - I Want To Wrap You In My Arms Essex IV - My Heart Just Can't Take It Honey Cone - If I Can't Fly J P Robinson - Our Day Is Here Idris Muhammed - I'm A Believer Eloise Laws - 1000 Laughs plus of course loads of others.
  3. I don't dislike Georgie's version, but can't compare to the Billy Stewart, a guy who made many great records.
  4. I think a lot of the current soul records aren't really suitable for the style of dancing at a predominantly Northern night. Friends have given me CDs of current or recent sounds, I like listening to them, but couldn't dance to them. I suppose you can do the two step thing to them but that's not for me. That is probably why Let It Go by Joi Cardwell has been popular in some events, you can dance Northern style to it.
  5. One pass for the Prestatyn weekender available. If interested PM me please.
  6. Now sorted out. I was able to book a club class chalet this week.
  7. I'm not sure if this is the right place to put this, but has anyone got accommodation for 2 guys and 2 passes for Prestatyn available please? Paul McKay and I have made a very late decision that we'd like to go, can anyone help please?
  8. Honey Cone's If I Can Fly is one of my favourite Modern Soul records. Only heard it out once (played by my good self, lol).
  9. Thanks to everyone for their replies, most helpful, now can get myself sorted out.
  10. It would be really hard to pick a top 10, but it would always include These Memories by Almeta Lattimore. Loved it when I first heard it and my love for it has grown over the years for various reasons. Usually gets me a bit emotional. Also it would definitely include Walter Jackson's It's An Uphill Climb To The Bottom. Finally got it on vinyl just over a year ago, despite loving it from my first hearing back in the 60s. My top 10 would also have to include Ruby's Feminine Ingenuity and Mel Britt's She'll Come Running Back. Both always get me out on the dance floor; thanks to Arthur Fenn for playing the former for me last night at Boomerang. After those 4 it gets complicated. Just so many wonderful tunes, depends on circumstances and how I feel at the time. We are so lucky to have such a wealth of music.
  11. I seem to be often asking in this section of Soul Source for information on records, hope no one minds. I recently heard a great slow ballad by Shep Grant called You Found My Lonely Heart A Home. Looking in the latest John Manship book I see it's priced at £200. That's a bit out of my price range, trying to be sensible. Is it available on a CD? Unless of course someone wants to sell me the 45 really cheap, lol. Has anyone else recorded it as it sounded slightly familiar? My other question is about a track by the Main Ingredient called Evening Of Love. It is an LP track, but has it ever been issued on a 45? It's a long one, would have to be a 12 inch; would need to be cut down for a 7 inch. Does anyone know please?
  12. Has anyone got a 7 inch copy of Eloise Laws' 1000 Laughs for sale please? Don't want the 12 inch one. Probably a bit too disco for some but I heard it recently and like it.
  13. Hi Philippe, Thanks for the information. I was still at school when this was recorded. Wonder what I'd have made of it at the time. It was the uptempo R&B records that I really liked then (plus loads of pop stuff of course), did like slowies as well. I did know about Motown, one of my friends had bought Money and Shop Around, and I always liked to see the American top 20, much more interesting than the UK.
  14. I went down to do myself some coffee and turned on the radio and was pleasantly surprised to hear Brian Matthew playing Motown, and some fairly obscure Motown at that. Looking at the tunes listed, some of which I missed, my question is are they all on the complete Motown singles CDs issued recently? I particularly liked the Valadiers's Because I Love Her, nice beat ballad that would be good to hear as an ender possibly. Though a lot of classics were played it was good that the programme record compiler had dug a little deeper than usual.
  15. Merry Christmas and a Happy and Peaceful New Year to everyone on Soul Source.
  16. This is interesting, my copy is on Liberty. Therefore must be a re-issue.
  17. Oh dear, collapse of stout party. I've got the Warm & Soulful LP, just haven't played it since I don't know when. My one doesn't include Looking For You or Prove It To Me though. The number is EG 2602921 and its title is Warm & Soulful The Best of Garnet Mimms. Date is 1984, so it's either a compilation or re-issue. Tracks are: Side 1 - Cry Baby; For Your Precious Love; Baby Don't You Weep; Tell Me Baby; A Quiet Place; One Girl; Look Away; A Little Piece Of Soap. Side 2 - It Was Easier To Hurt Her; That Goes To Show You; I'll Take Good Care Of You; More Than A Miracle; As Long As I Have You; It's Just A Matter Of Time; It's Been Such A Long Way Home; My Baby. Would I get a hand on my shoulder from the Soul Police if I played As Long As I Have You off this LP? Some people get so exercised by this. Am I the only person on here who doesn't know what records they've got? I do feel a bit of a twit. Not for the first time in my life though.
  18. Thanks Nick, another one for the wants list (or if anyone wants to buy me a Christmas pressie, lol.
  19. Thanks for the information. What is the album title please, and approximate price?
  20. Apologies if this has been dealt with before, but is the Garnett Mimms' track As Long As I Have You available on a 45? I think Chalky played it off an LP at Hitchin a few months ago. Think it's a great track, good uptempo Northern Soul. Has it been played out generally?
  21. Never heard this until I started out again in 2002. It always reminds me of These Old Shoes and Soul In The City, Martin Thomson used to play it.
  22. Off the What's Going On LP, I've always found the words of Mercy Mercy Me very moving. And sadly still apposite today. Could someone post a clip please? Can't do it where I'm at the moment.
  23. During one of the afternoon openair sessions at the Mai Tai bar at Soul in the Sun, Lanzarote, someone played Marlena Shaw's version of the Gene Pitney hit Looking Through The Eyes Of Love. Really loved it. It is the flipside of California Soul. Can anyone tell me how much a good copy would cost please? Also, a slight contrast, how much would her version of Touch Me In The Morning go for? She made some really good records imo.
  24. The Beatles also sang Soldiers Of Love, by Arthur Alexander, on the Beatles at the Beeb CD. In their early days, they covered loads of R&B and R&R songs in their stage act, plus cabaret songs like Till There Was You and the Honeymoon Song.

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