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Everything posted by Geoff

  1. Thanks very much for replying. I'd been right clicking, etc. It's now downloaded and I'll listen to it on my way to Doncaster tomorrow, I've never seen Ian Levine DJing, so it will be interesting to hear his current plays. All being well I'll be at the 100 Club for his guest appearance, so this should give a preview.
  2. How do you download this? I'd like to listen but haven't got 3 hours to spare in front of my computer. I would like to put it on my MP3 player and perhaps listen on the way to Thorne on Saturday. Can anyone help please?
  3. I've just been outbid on Ebay for Arthur Prysock's verson of In The Rain on Old Town. Has anyone on Soul Source got a copy for sale in good condition? If so could they PM me please?
  4. Thanks to all who have contributed to this thread, I love slow soul records and most of the ones mentioned are unknown to me. Will try to hear them. I think these type of tunes are ideal for the early part of an alldayer. One I'd suggest for this thread is the flipside of the 7th Avenue Aviators' You Should O' Held On, Boy Next Door, absolutely beautiful record, heard it first at Brid weekender in 2010, now Mick H has been playing it for some time too.
  5. I've got a soundfile of a track by The Skyliners called I'd Die. I suppose it's really doowop, or very early soul. According to the SoulfulKindaMusic website it's on Atco 6270, before that on Motown 1046, but that it was a "Record Never Got Beyond Test Pressing Stage --- 2 Known Copies". Does anyone know what the Atco record goes for, and is it rare? I've looked on Ebay, Gemm, etc to no avail. Obviously the Motown copy would cost a bomb so no doubt totally out of my reach. This is simply an enquiry on price and availability. If there was a copy going it would depend on price.
  6. While listening to a record on YouTube I noticed a track by the Knights and Arthur, I Want To Go Back on Roulette, written partly by Curtis Mayfield. I played it and was taken back years to the mid sixties and the Jack Spector show on Radio Caroline. I remember this record and liked it at the time, but hadn't heard it since. A brilliant piece of Impressions' influenced soul. From what I read on there the Impressions version is called Man Oh Man and came out in 1965, but I'm sure I heard the Knights before that, probably 63 or 64, can't remember when Radio Caroline started. Am I the only person who remembers the Jack Spector show? I think he was a DJ in New York. Funny how things stick in your memory. I note that Manship has a copy for £30, is that a good price? Has anyone any info on this record please?
  7. That's what they used in the London Mod clubs back in the 60s.
  8. I understand that at 6.20pm this Saturday on Dave Brown's Smooth Radio Motown Show 3 tracks will be played for the late Randy Cozens whose birthday is on Wednesday.
  9. Interesting topic. I've got loads of CDs, but rarely buy them these days. Still buy vinyl, only cheapies and now I'm retired have to be a bit more sensible with money. I've never downloaded from iTunes, although I've got an iMac as well as a PC. My main objection was that the quality was not good enough, 128 kbps is the absolute minimum quality for CD burning imo, when I rip a CD I do it at 320. How much do the higher quality tracks from iTunes cost? And have they got the rare soul songs that I'm interested in? The best CDs I get these days are from my friends, hope they like the ones I do them. Apple hardware is good, but very proprietary. I'm no great fan of Microsoft, but Apple aren't that different. I've used iTunes on my iMac for cutting CDs, took me a lilttle time to get used to it, making playlists but got on top of it eventually. However on my PC I couldn't get it to work properly. I use Nero for burning CDs under Windows 7, works fine. There is something about vinyl, just the feel of it when you hold it, and seeing a record on the decks, at home or in a club. But CDs are practical and are good at home for listening when doing things. I did start to put my vinyl on to CD, but the CD recorder (Transdata) stopped recording after a time, despite spending money, it never recorded again, simply plays CDs. As my music system is a distance from my iMac not easy to connect. I probably need to get a laptop. But even if I did manage to transfer my music (vinyl, CD and cassette tape) to digital format there is one thing that no one has mentioned so far. All digital media can fail, certainly hard disks in computers fail, sure people on here have suffered from that, I've experienced it. I have used external USB hard disks for back up, but the older ones don't always work with Windows 7, I need to get hold of a laptop running XP. There are solutions from Netgear, with 2 or 3 hard disks set up in the Raid format, like the servers in a business network. I don't think "cloud" storage is the answer as it may prove very expensive if you've got a lot of music, photos, etc. Plus you are at the mercy of big corporations. Hope all this made sense.
  10. I can understand how you feel Chrissie. I was asked to DJ at your event and I opened the proceedings. I thoroughly enjoyed it, the decks were great and idiot proof. I haven't got any expensive rare records but think my set was okay. Steve G followed me with some fantastic tunes that anyone who enjoys Northern would have loved. We then had to leave to drive up to Preston where Steve was DJing at the Soul People event at the Swallow Hotel. But knowing the calibre of the DJs you'd booked I'm sure i missed plenty of my favourite tunes. The venue was a nice size and the dance floor was fine, as both Bint of Soul and I proved. Maybe I am naive but it seemsa pity to book a soul event on the same day as a charity do in the near vicinity that's been arranged ages ago. I don't know the ins and outs of it so maybe there was a valid reason but it's a shame. Strange world of Northern Soul indeed. Chrissie, don't let things get you down.
  11. I'm very sorry to read that he has died. I'm old enough to remember his early Liberty hits lilke A 100 Pounds Of Clay and Tower Of Strength, and the way the British cover versions beat him into the top 20. From that era I think Point Of No Return is very good, but for me Another Tear Falls is his top tune. Featured in the British movie It's Trad Dad. I've got a feeling that he toured the UK in one of those package tours, and I may have seen him live, but my memory is not what it used to be. I'm not familiar with his 70s material, will see if I can find some of it. RIP Gene.
  12. Thanks very much for the information, I will pass it on to my friend.
  13. If this has been covered before I apologise. When I was on holiday in Greece recently with friends playing music each night in their hotel bar, one guy played an alternative version of I'm Comin' Home In The Mornin' by Lou Pride, slightly slower than the normal version. Does anyone know if it's genuine, or has someone played around with the original? It's not easy to listen carefully enough when you're with other people but it was definitely slower and longer. Also I heard a version of Pressure recently, supposedly a cover up credited to Harold Melvin. The backing sounded exactly the same as Drizabone, even the oohs and aahs seemed the same. Is this another one that's been fiddled about with? Just idle curiosity on my part.
  14. Thanks for the replies, I will pass them onto my friend. I think the record is probably styrene, it's Marion Stewart's I Must Be Losing You. As I'm no expert on these matters does it make a difference in how you try to clean it as opposed to vinyl?
  15. My dearest friend has just got a record she really loves at a very good price. Not in mint condition but it plays with some clicks. She's told me that it looks like nail varnish on the grooves. How would you remove it? I haven't seen the record in question as she's "up north".
  16. The usual crew of Paul and Helen and John and myself will be there. I'm looking forward to seeing friends from all over the country and hearing some good music. Derek Martin has got a great repertoire, hope he sings Daddy Rolling Stone, that will really take me back. Not really familiar with Sandi Sheldon's tunes except You're Gonna Make Me Love You, which might induce a heart attack if I tried to dance to it now. Booked my train tickets online last night so that's out of the way. Hope our caravan is better than the last couple we've had though. However I'm sure it will be a great weekend.
  17. I've only just read the sad news of Loleatta's death. She was a great singer and made so many good records. Playing her version of Casanova, so sad. RIP Loleatta.
  18. According to a video on YouTube Connie Stevens' Keep Growing Strong was the first recording of the song. Later retitled as Betcha By Golly Wow for the Stylistics.
  19. Geoff

    me and geoff

    Who do you mean Sue, Kylee or me?
  20. I know I'm old but now feel really ancient. I've not only seen the film Expresso Bongo but was taken by my parents to see the musical a few years before the film came out. Can't think whky they took me and my sister, wouldn't have thought it was their cup of tea. Don't remember Club 100 in it but as I was a kid it wouldn't have meant much to me. Glad to hear our nights are going to be okay, I did have some concerns. Roll on the 5 March, going to celebrate my birthday there, lol!
  21. Filthy Soul at Filthy McNastys used to be like this, a mix of slow and medium tempo without an emphasis on the dance floor, there wasn't a dance floor anyway. I like slow records, but accept it's a minority taste out in a club. Do beat ballads qualify as slow as you can dance to them? A bar or similar might be best for slow tunes, with chairs and tables.
  22. My first Motown record was Please Mr Postman by the Marvelettes on Fontana, I bought it off a stall in Edmonton Green market. The second one was the Contours' Do You Love Me on Oriole in 1963. First LP was the Miracles' I Like It Like That, they used to play the entire first side at allnighters I attended. One of my friends bought Shop Around by the Miracles on London when it was first issued on London over here.
  23. And a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and Gail. See you at Boomerang in February if not before.
  24. Hi Daryl, Apologies for late reply, down to my inefficiency. Thanks for the information, will have to keep looking. If you see it anywhere perhaps you'd drop me a PM? Cheers, Geoff

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