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Everything posted by Geoff

  1. Jolly good write up, from the heart. Hope you make it a regular night to visit.
  2. Can you play both sides when you're on at the 100 Club in December please Ted?
  3. Any chance of playing it tonight at SHS please Dave?
  4. I guess you mean the acetate that Andy Dyson plays, he announces it as Jimmy Sherman's My Heart's Wide Open.
  5. Was it Mike Cotton Sounds' version of Soul Serenade? Seems to ring a bell with me.
  6. As a regular attender of the 100 Club over the last few years I echo the sentiments Ady, keep looking and finding new soulful tunes. Records like the Demures, the Gerri Grainger cover up and Nancy Wilcox's He'll Be Leaving You are fantastic Northern Soul imo. And they are the only ones that immediately spring to mind this morning as I still am in recovery mode after Lifeline. There are so many great underplayed oldies, so do get a bit disappointed when you keep hearing the usual suspects in a set. I know they are great records but certainly some could do with a rest. I'm always asking more knowledgeable people what record is on now, e.g at Lifeline I asked and was told: this is the Young Brothers' What's Your Game; the Fabulous Peps' With These Eyes; and the Fabulous Apollos' Determination, etc. I'm probably the only Soul Source member who's not really familiar with them but with my memory what do you expect? I do understand that people want different things out of the soul scene and that's everybody's prerogative. I love the social side, meeting my friends and chewing the fat, but it's the music that makes the night. So utmost respect to the DJs finding the "new" soul sounds for us to enjoy.
  7. Sawdust Caesars: Original Mod Voices by Tony Beesley published by Days Like Tomorrow Books, price £19.99 plus P&P Sawdust Caesars: Original Mod Voices, which has just been published is a new book about Mods. This time it utilises the words of people who were Mods back in the day, at the start of this youth movement, and following it through to the present day. It sets the scene for the start of Mod back at the tail end of the 1950s with teenagers who were into Modern Jazz and were thus called Modernists. Quite a lot of the book focusses on the early and mid 60s which is right, that is what led to all that followed Modwise. The book's a long read and I've only just got into it but already it's bringing back many memories that had lain dormant. It covers various areas of the UK, goes on to Skinheads and the Mod revival of the late 70s and as I've said about right through to now. There is a mention of Northern Soul, but it's about Mods not soulies, although the two can be the same. As well as the words of Mods there are loads of pictures. A few years ago I wrote a short piece about the Scene club where I spent many a happy night and that has been included, although I have amended parts of it. There's even a couple of photos of me, but I look at them and ask myself where that bloke went. In fact a friend who used to attend nighters at the Scene with me didn't recognise me in the pictures, oh dear, have I really changed that much? I'd recommend it to anyone who's interested in Mods and their history. It can be obtained from the author at this website: http://www.tonybeesleymodworld.co.uk/
  8. Sawdust Caesars: Original Mod Voices by Tony Beesley published by Days Like Tomorrow Books, price £19.99 plus P&P Tap to view this Soul Source News/Article in full
  9. A superb list of tunes. So sorry I couldn't make this one. Extremely frustrating when things clash.
  10. Don't often agree with Jocko's posts but he's right on the money with this. Just before seeing this thread I'd checked DR's site to look up Wade Flemons' discography. The work he's put into it is amazing. Thank you and well done.
  11. Sorry to read this. I don't know many of his tracks but I'm A Believer has always been a favourite of mine.
  12. Thanks for these Pete, they're brilliant. Quite a few that I don't know which makes them even more interesting and enjoyable. Keep up the good work.
  13. As Richo991 says there are some here that are underplayed. I don't think I'd heard the Moses Dillard track before, liked it, then checked the Manship guide, oh dear £600. Thanks for posting these podcasts Pete, please keep up the good work. Might actually have a go myself when I work out what to do, lol.
  14. Downloading it now, thanks Don. Love the first track.
  15. Tried to listen to this but it's been deleted. Any chance of uploading again?
  16. I've been away on holiday so have only just read the sad news. It was good to see Sue at the 100 Club earlier this year. I still have memories of her with her dog at some of the Hertfordshire soul nights a few years ago. My condolences to Jon and the family. RIP Sue.
  17. Absolutely brilliant Steve, had me in fits of laughter. Sadly might come true.
  18. They may have soul Ian, but they don't have any decent coffee!!!
  19. Listening while downloading Don. Love it! And amazingly enough I've actually got a couple of these. Love a medium tempo set like this, reminds me of the Rare and Underplayed Room at Bridlington, sadly won't be there this year.
  20. Thanks for posting all these podcasts Chalky, much appreciated. Wasn't on the soul scene at that time, been off it for a while then, so never went to Stafford, one of my big regrets. Such a wide variety of styles played. These are a musical education for me. Surely DJs could dig some of these up to play to vary their playlists. Or are they all so rare and expensive?
  21. Thanks Don, more tunes up my street.
  22. Belated happy birthday Gladys. Thanks for the great music over the years. I still remember seeing you and the Pips on a Sunday afternoon at the Saville Theatre in London, when you were second on the bill to Joe Tex. He never turned up, many decided to go home, but the rest of us were invited to move to the front seats. Brilliant show, you sang your older songs, Letter Full Of Tears, Every Beat Of My Heart, Giving Up, etc plus Just Walk In My Shoes and your then new record Take Me In Your Arms And Love Me. Happy days.
  23. Eddy's Soul In The Sun was the original one as far as I know, been going for over ten years. I've been to it several times, a good holiday, met loads of good people. There are several others run by soul fans who usually arrange to meet up and take over a bar for a week or a fortnight and they are the ones I go to now. They are often by invitation only. Goldsoul started their holidays a few years ago, that's the free market for you. I've never been to them so don't know what they are like.
  24. It's not a bad record of its type but wouldn't want to hear it when I went out to a soul night. Admittedly I'm not a big fan of instrumentals. You are right that DJs are desperate to find "new" records to play, and there are loads of funk ones. However if they are to be played at a soul night (rare, Northern or whatever you like to call it) they should be danceable in our style.

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