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Everything posted by Geoff

  1. Thanks for posting your list Eddie. 2 great sets, and a contrast in styles. Thanks for playing JP Robinson for me. I really like that Paul Smith I'll Run. You are a man of taste.
  2. I'm listening and downloading as I write this. Thanks for this and your other soul podcasts. Plenty here that I'm unfamiliar with.
  3. That was a nice set Billy. No DJ can go wrong playing Ooh Boy by the Adorables, one of my favourite records for dancing. See you at the 100 Club.
  4. Interesting thread. I think Gareth got it right in saying that Mod was a state of mind, being interested in new things, fashion, films and certainly music. In many ways the Mod scene was the blueprint for the Northern Soul scene, especially the allnighters and the obsession with records. I don't know what things were like in the north of England, from what people have written Mod appears to have lasted longer, it was over in London in 1966, but I still went out to clubs to hear soul music, but stopped doing nighters when I started going out with the girl I eventually married. I go to the 100 Club allnighters fairly regularly, they aren't much different from those I attended back in the day at the Scene. Some of the same records are played but things have to move on. I wouldn't want to go to a night and continually hear the records I danced to back then. My partner says she can tell I was a Mod because “you're funny about your clothes and appearance” although others may disagree. I could say more but have now wish to bore everyone.
  5. Once again Soul Source to the rescue. A member will be picking up the glasses for me. Thanks.
  6. Yesterday (Saturday) I travelled from King's Cross to Doncaster on my way to Thorne for Boomerang. I got off at Doncaster and a few minutes later realised I'd left my reading glasses in their case and another empty glasses case on the train where I'd been sitting. To cut a long story short the lady in the Doncaster left luggage office contacted the train's guard and he left them at the Darlington left luggage office. Is there anyone in Darlington who can go to the left luggage office at Darlington station and pick them up, then post them back to me? Of course I would remunerate all costs. It would really help me out. Please PM if you can help. Thanks for reading this.
  7. Very enjoyable.
  8. Nice set, thanks for uploading.
  9. Thanks for uploading these. I've just listened to them, great music. Wish I hadn't missed all these first time around. Are there any more available to listen to and hopefully download for future enjoyment?
  10. Thank you.
  11. There They Go is the same song as Here Comes The Night recorded by Them and Lulu over here in the UK. The Exciters is a little bit faster, I assume it's the original version. More useless information, lol.
  12. Just like to ask what the track was after Magic Garden, didn't hear who it was singing it, does anyone know please?
  13. Great show with some tunes I knew and some I didn't. Thanks for uploading.
  14. Back in my leftwing days Lesley and I went on a march in London demanding that she be freed. Can't remember what date and year it was though.
  15. I think Warren did a Northern night at the Groucho earlier this year. He sent me an invitation text but I was going on holiday. I suppose the Groucho is classed as posh.
  16. One of my favourite records down the 100 Club, always gets me on the dance floor. Shame it might not come out on Kent bearing in mind that Ady's been playing it for quite a while.
  17. It was my first visit to the H&G, and it lived up to expectations. Great mix of music played, and good to see plenty of my friends from the north of England. Thanks to Dave Swift for his company and for getting us to and from the station to the pub, I'd probably still be blundering around downtown Doncaster as my navigational skills are not great.
  18. As far as I know it's either acetate or tape only. Ady plays it at the 100 Club and other venues he DJs at. Great dancer, slightly faster than the version by Willie Kendrick. Love to dance to this, hope it does come out soon, preferably on vinyl.
  19. I've just listened to this, really good, thanks for uploading. Is there any chance of this being available to download as I'd like it on my MP3 player?
  20. I'll listen to your podcast later but had to write to say I hope she makes a full recovery. As you say it's amazing what science can do now. Good luck to you both.
  21. There was a bit about this on Broadcasting House on Radio 4 this morning. The 3 talking heads reviewing the Sunday papers (Arlene Philips, Paul Mason, Bryony Gordon) discuss Northern Soul and the forthcoming movie. Listen on iPlayer from 54.21 and come to your own conclusion.
  22. Hi Al, hope you are well. Can you let me have some dates for R&B123 please? It's on Sundays isn't it? I'm listening to the first of the podcasts again as I type this, I'd certainly get off my backside for these. In many ways it reminds me of the clubs in London that were going when I returned to the soul scene in 2002. Even at a nighter now these would go down very well imo.
  23. Thanks for posting these Chalky, I'm downloading them now. I wish there were soul nights in London playing this type of material. Or maybe I'm living in the past.
  24. The only one that could be described as Northern Soul was the last one played, Foolish Girl, which Paul played because he knows I love it. Some lovely slow and medium paced tunes there, for me the best one played apart from the Tiarras was Leave Her Alone by Ray Jiminez. Don't give up DJing Paul, have a rethink please.

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