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Premium Stuff

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Everything posted by Premium Stuff

  1. They sold a Tamangoes earlier for 72 quid Description was = (MR stamped matrix) Cheers Richard
  2. Got your drift Pete Cheers Richard
  3. My take on this is that they were probably handed out quite widely to reps, radio stations and probably even to record shops as play copies in store. As Peter says, the idea was to demonstrate or promote the record, but not to allow re-sale. There are two types we are talking about here: Sticker demos - with a paper sticker on the label with something printed on it such as "Demonstration Copy Not For Sale". Basically an issue copy with a sticker on. These were used quite widely, but Ric-Tic and Golden World are good examples of labels that used them quite a bit. Hand-stamped demos - just like using Swifty's technique of a hand-stamp and ink, stamped onto the label saying something like "D.J. Copy" (like on the D-Town and Wheelsville USA labels) or "DJ" (like on Thelma). Again, basically issues but with a hand stamp. I like both and collect both. There may be some fakes, but many are definite originals and as far as I'm concerned they are proper demos - even if a white label format exists also. An example is Tony Clarke - (They Call Me) A Wrong Man (M-S). This is available as an issue, a sticker demo and a white demo. Another example is Dee Edwards - All The Way Home (D-Town) which is on a yellow issue, a hand-stamped DJ copy, and a white demo. A third example is J.J. Barnes - Please Let Me In (Ric-Tic) which is on a red issue, a sticker demo and a white demo. All these types of sticker and hand-stamped demos are legit and collectable in my view. Like everything else, you need to know what you're looking for and to learn to spot a fake. Cheers Richard
  4. If you won't tell us who it is as it's c/u - can you let us hear it please? Thanks Richard
  5. Thread elsewhere on this great 45 - would need to be a really lovely sleeve I reckon given how ace the record label design is Cheers Richard P.S. see my avatar - that's a real Solid Hitbound Productions stamped sleeve with the label address
  6. That was the copy that JM auctioned surely? It went for £300 plus. It had black marker pen on the label on the Please Let Me In side. Soon after it appeared in Tim's Price Guide on one the label scans pages. I assumed Tim won the auction. Richard
  7. Tony Middleton's other track is also potato themed - Spanish Omelette
  8. There are red label demos - sticker demos Richard
  9. Now that would be a good topic (or sub-topic here) - Is Northern Soul still cool? From what I am gathering, from recent discussions on here and elsewhere, there is a mood going on that despite the new film, book, Culture Show, Fred Perry's latest clothing lines, young ones from Wigan etc. perhaps meaning that the mainstream might possibly think again that Northern Soul is still cool, or worth looking at again ... ... people on the Northern 'scene' who have always valued it's underground, authentic, rare, obscure, cool, progressive aspects seem to be saying it has already gone non-cool and already looks like the teddy boy scene before it took it's final breath. I have to admit - all those videos of the fat old people dancing on YouTube is atrocious - sorry folks but it is. How about dress code at Northern venues ... "You're not coming in here with those ridiculous baggies, that circle skirt, or that vest - put a shirt on!"
  10. That's way too cheap. Also, the Manship record you're talking about is "Cause I Really Love You" and not "Hey Girl Don't Leave Me". Cheers Richard
  11. Actually - depends on which Gwen Owens
  12. You do have a place to sell this - it is called General Sales & Wants. Look at the forum headings and it says "General Sales and Wants" and the sub-title says "Non soul vinyl sales & wants" OK Richard
  13. Was just replying but your reply disappeared while I was mid way through. Was going to say - we all love soul records being sold on here - which is always very welcome. Selling non-soul records - not in main sales probably - but I guess that could be in general sales section with no probs. We are all passionate about real soul music on here - so we get a bit shirty if we think something ain't soulful enough - like the item sold here above - but it's just because we love soul music. Hope this helps Cheers Richard
  14. That C/U should stay covered up - total garbage as far as the rare soul scene is concerned - well off topic on here
  15. Really enjoyed both programmes. I found out a lot about Marvin Gaye and didn't realise before what a troubled soul he was. Wow - that man Charles Bradley can sing. He's had, and is still having, a tough life - as his whole family seems to have. A resounding theme between both films was that the incredible soulfulness of both singers was rooted in trauma and drama in their personal lives - the harder things got the better and more soulful their singing became - very interesting Cheers Richard
  16. Do they still have tapes Peter? Or are you intending a different, more up to date formula Thanks for the alert guys - gonna tune in - hope it's a good one! Cheers Richard
  17. I know you probably mean on originals - but pressing a bootleg off an original vinyl that hisses would do it Poor quality vinyl - recycled cheap stuff. Presume they would have done test pressings - but they are maybe just samples - so not necessarily representative of all batches of records actually pressed with different quality of vinyl going through.
  18. Clever post that! Cheers Richard
  19. I have always thought kung fu and northern was a wicked combination - and both were high fashion at about the same time - so there is some truth in it in wider UK culture at the time
  20. Yes, there are numerous variations of some Drew releases as far as promo notifications, different fonts, stars etc. go - Instant Heartbreak being one of the more notable ones.
  21. Yes you could stick a lovely bootleg copy in it - that would look nice
  22. Off the top of my head that's correct - only 1004 and 1005 were Laurie distributed. Cheers Richard

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