I had a similar, at least, copy in my hand of this and I also had a detailed and informed discussion about the actual record that was sold in the auction relative to it, and about the specific similarities between the auction copy and the version in my hand at the time.
I did not have both copies together at the same time. However, if the auction copy was the same as the copy I had in my hand, I would have to say it was wrong based on the general condition, type of vinyl pressing (especially bevelled edge), label paper type and quality, printing of label, the width of deadwax which was very wide, and the matrix marks.
It could of course be that the copy auctioned was similar to, but not the same as, the copy I had in my hand - and that the auctioned copy was a true original while the copy in my hand was a bootleg.
Having said all of the above, I would not have touched the auction copy with a barge pole.
Just my opinion and a partial one, not having had both records in front of me at the same time.