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Premium Stuff

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Everything posted by Premium Stuff

  1. Thanks for all the comments folks. Picking up on one of the points - CD swapping via the site seems to have dies a death - or is it just me? Cheers Richard
  2. Spot on bro - I got mine in a Soul Bowl soul pack Cheers Richard
  3. That's an awesome version Dave - didn't know it so thanks for posting So how many versions were there and can we list them all? Cheers Richard
  4. Prefer the non-pitched version of Chuck by miles compared to the "Northern" version in post #1. Then again Tyrone's version is pretty much the dogs ... Cheers Richard https://youtu.be/zgQKgnw2Cdw
  5. Scans and soundclips would be nice Col given the price please
  6. Yep - it's an awesome record - always loved this - unplayed copy too - surprised it's still there. Cheers Richard
  7. Nice one Kev - that's a well-cool pic - thanks for posting Richard
  8. Yes mate Joey on the flip. Cheers Richard
  9. One of my all time favourite records They must (rightly) have had faith in the record because they re-released it as Miss Madeline only two catalogue numbers later on US Mar-V-Lus. Cheers Richard YOUNG FOLK - LONELY GIRL (US MAR-V-LUS & UK PRESIDENT) https://youtu.be/s4bO1CcOAQg
  10. One set of lyrics is Jerry Cook and the other is Sidney Barnes - listen to both and you will see what I mean
  11. I always want to hear new stuff. That's really the main point for me. Listening to new music, searching the records down, getting them and ... ooh that first listen off the vinyl. Always loved tapes and CD swapping too. Two things just promoted me to post this: 1) I heard the great Dean Anderson say on the radio tonight that he has always been driven by hearing new sounds and moving forward with new discoveries. 2) I have been playing a few things for potential sale tonight and have played some flip-sides I have never played - and been knocked out, or really enjoyed them at the least. I don't know where rare soul would be without that thirst to hear more and discover more - if you were a teenager, or any age really, then new music presents itself day-by-day, year-by-year - but for us the recording were finite (so thankfully there were so many quality things recorded). If there was not all that discovery and digging still to do then I guess I would have lost interest by now - but I'm as keen as ever and probably more so. One thing that happened a few years ago was that I consciously let go of some 'rules' or 'boundaries' I had set myself about what to listen to that was 'good'. This meant I opened my ears and started listening to '70s stuff, R&B, funk, deep soul etc. I really feel that was an enlightening decision and has made my love of soul music - including 'proper Northern' grow even stronger. Not even sure where I'm going with this one ... Keep on keeping on maybe ... Cheers Richard P.S. Here is probably the first record that made me listen up to 70s. I realise now what a mug I was before SANDRA RICHARDSON - STAY HERE WITH ME (INTER/SOUL)
  12. USD $162.50 Cheers Richard https://www.ebay.com/itm/Northern-Soul-JOE-VALENTINE-I-Lost-The-Only-Love-I-Had-LISTEN-MP3-/360826596863?pt=Music_on_Vinyl&hash=item5402f0edff
  13. Yes, that's from the current auction Rod - and looks the same as the one posted above in post #3. Richard
  14. I see Pat has another red issue on auction now sitting at £450 with 6 days to go. https://www.northernsoul45s.co.uk/auctions_detail.asp?id=1058 The scan looks identical to the one you posted Ricky above - same slight blemished on the label. Cheers Richard
  15. You did well with that Mike Jemison (Lake) Lars - just over £48 - well done https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/360826675206?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 I looked and at exactly the same time there was a really nice clean EX copy on a Buy It Now for £6.99. It's not there now though Cheers Richard
  16. Was watching it - and happened to be online when it was in the last minute when it jumped about an extra 300 quid Richard
  17. Can't believe nobody has posted up the song yet Those lyrics need a few tweaks Cheers Richard FORMATIONS - AT THE TOP OF THE STAIRS (MGM)
  18. Here's another one from today Al Kent Ric-Tic 123 demo Quite rare, but cracked and sounding with clicks? £56 Cheers Richard https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/141126283335?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649
  19. And Mr Shard commented elsewhere on the thread Cheers Richard
  20. Nice post Sir Richard
  21. Yes - brilliant and shite - they are the only two options in any music genre
  22. Cheers Rod - yes, know what you mean about Impact red issues not being as good looking as the demos. Think that's why I kept both of the Jock Mitchells. Done the same with the Volumes and Lollipops on Impact - and reckon the issues of both of those are harder than the demo too. Good point on the big Motown hits re condition - interesting observation, but as a moderator I would have expected you to have put that comment on the actual thread - off topic alert! Cheers Richard
  23. Well I got a demo first and chased after an issue for ages thinking it was rarer, which all the helpful comments seem to confirm. Think this is one which is the wrong way round in the Manship Guide.
  24. I was looking at one of these last night and comparing to a genuine original. Lots of differences on label design, layout, colour etc. The deadwax markings seemed to all match up - suggesting it's legit off the original plates - but had drunk a few beers by then so eyesight wasn't tip-top! The thing that struck me was the 'bevelled edge' - or rather the vinyl narrows about 1cm from the edge of the disc, with a quite defined line, and then increases in thickness again. Stands out very clearly in decent light. I'm no expert on this 45, or even on 70s/80s releases, would have said it looked 80s from that alone - then the typeface did too. Cheers Richard
  25. Wow - thanks for all the advice folks. Some great insight and tips there. Much appreciated Have been busy for a couple of days and just came back to read this thread and there are 40+ posts - absolutely brilliant. Cheers Richard

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