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Premium Stuff

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Everything posted by Premium Stuff

  1. This this right up there potentially - as it's definitely one of the best counterfeits and so one of the hardest to tell apart. Plus, it's not a big ticket item - so that would mean people (i.e. a range of dealers) could sell a bootleg as an original and get away with it Cheers Richard
  2. What year are they Pete please? As far as record stores go I'm pretty sure I have only seen them in legit shops - including places like Fopp I think Cheers Richard
  3. Some great suggestions and debate here folks. I just wish the bugg*r had told me what it was at the time Cheers Richard
  4. What protection would there be on either side if the system was used for a record deal that went bad? Then again, even if there is no protection that is the same as a bank transfer or PayPal "Family & Friends". Cheers Richard
  5. I wondered if the record was an original but that they just used a borrowed scan (from Derek's Daily) for the auction - which would mean the actual record sold was original Cheers Richard
  6. Depends what it is I guess I have had the pleasure recently of being able to sell some very nice rare/collectable items back to good soul folk in the USA in Detroit, Chicago and Los Angeles. Cheers Richard
  7. I just Googled for the image and found this ... from 2010 and exactly the same image: https://dereksdaily45.blogspot.co.uk/2010/01/pat-lewis-no-one-to-love.html Cheers Richard
  8. When you look at it in detail you will also spot that the text at the bottom says "Detroit Mitchigan" Cheers Richard
  9. That was my guess at the time. However, when you get to know the original and boot they just can't be confused. It's not about the label as a lot of people seem to think. Also differences maybe not be that well known because the original is a rare one possibly? Cheers Richard
  10. I would like nominate Pure Soul in Nuneaton. If interested I can provide more details or get from member tosspot Top drawer rare soul club - no messing Richard
  11. Remember folks - I don't know the answer to the question, so worth posting why you think your suggestion might be the bootleg "everyone" sells as an original.
  12. Funny how stuff just comes into your head that you thought you had forgotten years ago. I just remembered about talking to a once well-know record dealer, many years ago now - pre-internet days, and the days of those lovely paper lists We were talking about originals and bootlegs and I was (incorrectly by the way) questioning the authenticity of a record I had received. I thought it was a bootleg based on a write up in one of the top soul fanzines at the time. Anyway, I now know the record was a real one. So this dealer said to me "There's only one bootleg I sell as an original - and I'm not going to tell you what it is because everyone sells it as an original" Anyway, this guy is no longer in the business of selling records and is not on the scene - so I see no point in naming them. I just wondered if anyone knew what the said record might have been please - the bootleg everyone sells as an original - not the one I sent back I never worked it out. Might be a fun thread guessing though huh!? Cheers Richard
  13. Stu mate - I'm just about to PM you with a link to lots of videos of people of all ages, sizes etc. dancing at venues Break a leg mate ... erm ... don't break a leg Cheers Richard
  14. ON NOW FOLKS - TNT show 2 - Thursday. 7-9PM. Radio Newark. https://www.radionewark.co.uk Always a cracking show Cheers Richard
  15. Yes, fits the "rules" for OVO - first ever official 45 release - previously unissued - so who can complain about that not being OVO? The question I guess after that is just whether you want to play that or something else instead Cheers Richard
  16. Thanks Mr F Yes, remember reading that at the time and also saw it again on your website a few days ago- it's one of the few references that pops up on a google search. Nice write up btw on what must still be a quite obscure 45. Cheers Richard
  17. Yep, there you go again - Mr axe to grind Shameful
  18. Cheers Chalky I'm guessing you mean the "Just Like The Hero" side. The other side is pretty good too but a bit less "Northern". One of the things that always puzzled me was the inclusion of "JLTH" on one of the Goldmine Allnighter CDs - think it was Volume 2. This seemed to suggest it was a "big" niter sound. Don't know much about the artist unless it's someone else under a different name. The only other release on Nimrod as far as I recall, off the top of my head, is Herman George. Anyone know of any others? Cheers Richard
  19. Anyone please?
  20. Come on Phil Yes, John was making a big deal out of "Love That Never grows Old" for reasons I pointed out above - it's a fabulous record so why not? He made a big thing out of "I Need My Baby" last time he auctioned a copy a few months ago - I'm sure this is quite intentional to market the record most effectively and in a fresh way on behalf of whoever he is auctioning it for. How on earth can you say that John Manship "doesn't have a clue" what is popular on the rare niter scene blah, blah? You also seem to insinuate that John Manship doesn't "know a great record" when he hears it. To be honest, I don't understand in detail why you are having a go at John, but it's pretty clear to me you are and I know there's a bit of background here which is no doubt driving what you're saying. This is the kind of thing that unfortunately the moderators allow to go on here on Soulsource but is one of the reasons why so many people have left the site - in their droves in fact. Think I might jump ship as well to be honest because I think this kind of unjustified slagging-off is just not cricket Richard
  21. Hi Nick I have never seen white demos of either of those two. Good question though because there are demos of all the other soulhawk releases. Cheers Richard
  22. Nice double-sider this Ed Cooper - Just Like The Hero / Don't Let Life Get You Down (Nimrod 904). Anyone tell me anything more about Ed Cooper the artist, the play of both sides of this track on the rare soul scene? Any other nice nuggets of info greatly appreciated Cheers Richard
  23. Could you not get round that by insisting on written bids? That could include letter, email or text message? That allows use of both computers and phones. Cheers Richard
  24. It's a tricky one that Pete. I agree that a higher bid coming after the close of the auction should be rejected. However, having two or more people bidding against each other in real time is how most auctions happen around the world. The bidders fight it out until one person wins. Happens in Christie's auctions, your local antiques auction house etc. There are two different models here I guess - 1) the highest bid at close wins and 2) they fight it our until there's a winner. The auctions I am wary of is when you don't know how many people you are bidding against or what they actually bid, and that do not obviously have bidding by set increments but are done on trust. With a close time on an auction like that you could go in with your best bid which is unknowingly £200 over the last person, win it, but have to pay £200 more that you needed to compared to if it was an open bidding set up or a clear bid increment set up. Cheers Richard

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