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Premium Stuff

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Everything posted by Premium Stuff

  1. Hi All I'm looking for a genuine coloured issue of the Precisions - Instant Heartbreak on Drew please - not a plain white label which is just without any DJ type print (Plug Side, Not For Sale etc.) Please PM if you can help me out Cheers Richard
  2. Have been listening to a whole lot of stuff tonight and the following stood out of the pack - struck me as an unusual mix of tracks . What have you been listening to? June Taylor - Jealous Heart (Music Now) Gail Nevels - He Can't Do Without Me (Star-Track) Louis Curry - I'll Try Again Tomorrow (M-S) Johnny Wyatt - This Thing Called Love (Bronco) Linda Jones - My Heart Needs A Break (Loma) Bobby Wilson - Feels Good (Volt) Johnny Robinson - Gone But Not Forgotten (Okeh) Charades - Key To My Happiness (MGM) Contours - Determination (Gordy) Cheers Richard
  3. Never ever liked Stevie Wonder mainly due to his post 60s work Pin Point It Down - Fantastic 4 - now you're talkin Richard
  4. Thank you John - all details safely received now and are very much appreciated. Please pass on my thanks to Lisa Cheers Richard
  5. Great stuff John - top man - thank you! Richard
  6. Anyone help out with this please? I was sure one of you guys would have these details tucked away somewhere Cheers Richard
  7. Hi everyone Can someone help with a good quality scan of the Precisions - Sugar Ain't Sweet on Drew please (both sides would be nice! ) plus the relevant mastering/matrix details etc.? I have presumed that What I Want is ZTSC-126029, like the Drew D-1002 copy backed with Why Girl - but it would be good to know for sure. As for Sugar Ain't Sweet - I have never had one in my hands, so full details of that would be great to know about Cheers Richard 14.12.08 - I edited the above details because I had mistakenly mixed up the flip sides - Sugar Ain't Sweet was backed with What I Want, not Why Girl . Cheers. Richard
  8. This is a close-up of the figure on the Set My Heart At Ease side that I scanned off my copy a couple of years ago, and which I just found again on another site However, as discussed above, the face and figure details are not a good verifier it seems. Cheers Richard
  9. Hi all Anyone add to the list please? 101 Kris Peterson - I Believe In You/ ... (dammit! forgotten the bloody flip side and can't be bothered checking - is it You Belong To Me ?? Not sure - sounds a bit dodgy ) 102 Kris Peterson - Mama's Little Baby Is A Big Girl Now/Instrumental Thanks Richard
  10. Well spotted Dezzie Boy! Here is the scan of the original from eBay. I have just checked my own original and it has the "bite out" too as you described (plus all the deadwax vinyl marks etc.). Cheers Richard
  11. People reputedly play about with the faces on the labels - so watch out The vinyl markings noted in the post above are the definitive way to verify authenticity. I have an original and went after a boot on eBay recently, just so I could have both copies in my hands at the same time to check all the details. Then I was going to sell the boot on. However, I lost the auction on the boot - someone paid 40 quid for it!! - I was gobsmacked Cheers Richard
  12. Lee Rogers on D-Town - You Won't Have To Wait Till Xmas Cheers Richard
  13. It looks like this! Cheers Richard
  14. Both Legit - no worries with those This happened with a couple of the Karen & Carla releases. Another is Sharon McMann - Hello Stranger/Got To Find Another Guy on Karen 1525 (with an 803K prefix). The Capitols - Zig Zagging/I Got To Handle It was also on Karen 1525. As well as being on Karen 1537 the Soul Twins 45 you mentioned also came out on Karen 1531. On Carla this happened with a couple of the Deon Jackson 45s: Carla 2526 was Deon Jackson - Love Makes The World Go Round/You Said You Loved Me. However, with an 803K prefix (Carla 803K-2526) it had the different flip - Deon Jackson - Love Makes The World Go Round/Hello Stranger. Also, happened on Carla 2527 - Deon Jackson - Love Takes A Long Time Growing/Hush Little Baby - with this one the same release number was used, again with an 803K prefix, for the Gambrells - You Better Move/Pain In My Heart. Cheers Richard
  15. If it's familiar that's because it's the one from eBay that had 15 bidders but didn't sell at $1,780 USD as the reserve wasn't met Here's the link to check it out: https://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=230308928815 Richard
  16. Thanks Harry - I had spotted that one a while ago - Anglo and Kops both had it listed, but it's no longer there - it is now a spurious listing. I know this as I asked both outlets twice! Yes, was a red issue and water-damaged if I remember correctly. Still loooking Cheers Richard
  17. Hi everyone I'm looking for a red issue of the San Remo Golden Strings - Quanto Sei Bella/International Love Theme on Ric-Tic 116. Please just PM me if you can help Thank you! Richard
  18. Mark - I'm really looking forward to this one. You have great taste in soul music as can be seen in your regular weekly show. This one will be, I'm sure, awesome!! Cheers Richard
  19. Scan anyone please? Cheers Richard
  20. Seeing it (or a few) for sale and getting it is not the same thing though is it Took me a while to get mine and I have honestly not had that many chances since then, in the right condition and the right price Top northern tune - classic Detroit label - it's the old supply & demand thing. Always wanted an issue, but always missed out too, or saw it at a silly price. I wouldn't pay that amount at the moment if I had the money to spend (I wish ) - would just sit it out and see what the score is in 12 months. Going to be a dynamic market I think. Cheers Richard
  21. From the oxford online ... snob noun 1 a person who has an exaggerated respect for high social position or wealth and who looks down on those regarded as socially inferior. 2 a person who believes that their tastes in a particular area are superior to others: a wine snob. Interesting discussion this one for a collecting scene and club scene that is essentially (and is revered by outsiders for being) elitist Course - there are inverted snobs too - how do they fit into the picture? Keep on keepin' on ... Richard
  22. Here is what Tim Brown said in his Rare Soul Review (Sorry did it as a pdf rather than a jpeg so you have to click on it to see it ). Cheers Richard Dee___Flo.pdf
  23. Nice one Carl - thanks for that - much appreciated Cheers Richard
  24. Could well be. Here is a bit of a clearer scan of the record for label details - but no date I'm afraid - plus a scan of another release by the group. Cheers Richard

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