Hi All
Calling all anoraks
Paper stickers on issue copies of 45s with the words FOR DEMONSTRATION USE ONLY N0T FOR SALE are pretty common on Detroit 45s on labels such as Ric-Tic, Golden World, Groovesville etc.
However, there seem to be two quite different types.
The first type is shown in the Golden World scan below. The stickers are white, and use slightly textured paper.
The second type seems to be much less common. These are shown in the Columbia (Gigi & Charmaines) 45 shown in the second scan. This type is quite different. The paper seems much smoother, it usually looks 'discoloured' and has a blotchy 'greasy' look. I have this type of sticker on several discs that I have picked up from various sources in the US.
Anyone know anything about these two types please - especially the second type?