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Premium Stuff

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Everything posted by Premium Stuff

  1. I tried to claim when three packages failed to be delivered a few months ago They were all posted within days of each other - hence should have all arrived within days of each other Two were from the UK from two different sellers - one a 45 the other a package some CDs The third was from France including a £100 45 and a cheaper one None were sent signed for btw My main postman was on leave at the time, so there was a relief posty on Clearly, there was something dodgy locally, or wider in the UK - otherwise 3 packages form three separate sellers, one overseas, would not have gone astray Royal Mail made it very difficult for me, as did the seller from France who did not co-operate - a well known name too - and I just had to give up in the end Cheers Richard
  2. What for a promo? Cheers Richard
  3. Thanks - thought that was the one. Surprisingly have seen it go for 'big' (ish) money on the bay on a couple of occasions - 'green vinyl copy' seemed to be what did the trick then. Cheers Richard
  4. What does a blue one go for these days? Cheers Richard
  5. Just out of interest which is the first issue, and the rarest, or most desirable - blue or yellow please? Cheers Richard
  6. Any chance of posting up a scan please? Cheers Richard
  7. I have picked up some good 45s on here at very good or even bargain prices . I'm always looking for mint or near mint 45s too, so these records from here have also been in great condition. I use price guides as just that - guides. They are useful for getting information on records I don't know about (normally info other than price) or that I haven't seen for sale much recently. One of the key things that any serious collector needs to know about is pricing. Relying on somebody else for this is not a sound basis for collecting or selling IMVFHO. I always aim to be well-informed about prices and therefore trust my own judgement. I will only really use price guides as a reference point - or to try and negotiate someone down if they are asking for above book price on a rare item I very occasionally pay over the 'book' or established market value - but only on true rarities that I think I may never get the chance of picking up again within a sensible timescale. Over the years that policy has always paid off because prices have tended to rise substantially during the gaps between seeing rare 45s on my wants list. On the issue of overpriced common and readily found 45s, I just ignore them. A decent copy will come along at the right price sooner or later. I guess people who pay too much just don't have a good handle on what is a fair price for the record, or signficantly on its true supply and availability (and so probably fall for comments like 'getting spins', ''disappeared - get this now' etc.). As for poor condition grading - that really pisses me off . It is a basic competence of a collector or seller to grade well and honestly. If people lack experience or knowledge they can ask a mate, or consult established grading guidelines like Goldmine. Label scans, decent digital photographs and unaltered soundfiles are a great help for anyone who is unsure about grading to use when selling. IMO the most obvious reason for someone to regularly grade higher than actual condition is greed. The bottom line for me on all this is that if I'm not happy with a purchase I expect the seller to take the record back and to give me a full 'no hassle' refund if necessary, or at least knock something off if it is unfairly graded. I expect this from any collector/seller who wants to be seen as having a good reputation. I always offer this myself if selling anything. Cheers Richard
  8. Yes - the best version - on a Goldmine CD - think it's the Totally Solid Hitbound one - Cheers. Richard
  9. So what is the decent going rate for Ronnie McCain then please? Cheers Richard
  10. Yes, I would say that the Mighty Lovers on the yellow issue is significantly harder than the Ideals on the purple label. The Mighty Lovers' copy is also on vinyl rather than styrene - which many people prefer. Price-wise, Manship's Guide has the Mighty Lovers at £250 and the Ideals at £200 - both prices too high IMO by about £100 - but the price differential is probably fair. Many copies I have seen of both releases have been a bit rough. Cheers Richard
  11. And the flip. Bee Jays - Please Don't Say We're Through (Prime 1001 - Cheers Richard
  12. Here's my copy on Prime. Bee Jays - I'll Find You (Prime 10001 A) - Richard
  13. Hi Sean Any chance of a scan Sean please? Richard
  14. Thanks Dave - that's great. I have a Prime Copy here. The details are: "I'll Find You" deadwax - CGN - 1001 scratched in, then 334 scratched in, then an ARP stamp. "Please Don't Say We're Through" deadwax - #2 scratched in, then 2132 scratched in, then an ARP stamp, then 334 scratched in. The PDSWT side seems that same as yours, but the IFY side is clearly different. Interesting eh? Richard
  15. In the middle.
  16. Great record For some reason, the Revilot release is sometimes commented on as "never released". Never been sure why this is. The Revilot copy certainly turns up regularly, especially on eBay. However, copies are often rough looking and it does seem reasonably hard to find this one in mint or near mint condition. The Atco copy is on both issue and promo. Cheers Richard
  17. Here are a couple of scans of the white label counterfeit (on vinyl and no Disc Jockey Not For Sale writing) and then the genuine white label promo (on styrene with the ZTSC stamp). Think there is another white label boot apart from the one above. I will see if I have a scan of that one too. Cheers Richard
  18. Nice one Baz - mine is with normal labels, like yours. Cheers. Richard
  19. Hi all Massive sounds both sides - Silky Hargraves - I'll Keep On Trying/Love, Let's Try It Again (Wheelsville 116). Apparently, many copies are with reversed labels - true or false? If so, is there a difference in value between the correct and reversed labelled versions please? Cheers Richard
  20. Cheers Dave Look forward to those extra details Just had a quick look around on the internet. According to Wikipedia, Valerie & Nick's - I'll Find You on Glover came out in 1964. Soulful Detroit confirms that the Debonaires' version of Please Don't Say We're Through came out on Golden World #17 in October 1964 and on Golden World #26 in August 65. Cheers Richard
  21. Hi all There are at least two label variations of the Bee Jays - I'll Find You/Please Don't Say We're Through on Prime. One label version has Prime in large letting. The other has Prime Records in smaller letters. Anyone know any more background on this please (e.g. which of the two variations came out first, and whether there are any other differences such as dead wax markings)? I'll Find You was also released by Valerie & Nick on Glover and written by them. Please Don't Say We're Through was released twice by the Debonaires on Golden World. Anyone got a release date on the Bee Jays 45 please? I am guessing it was later than the two above discs. Cheers Richard
  22. Carol Jones - Don't Destroy Me (Mutt 27320A) No Strings Version -
  23. Carol Jones - Don't Destroy Me (Mutt 27320A) Strings Version -
  24. Carol Jones - Don't Destroy Me (Mutt 22421) -
  25. Apologies if this has been done before (I know it has been discussed several times). Here are three versions of Carol Jones - Don't Destroy Me on Mutt that I have. If I get the chance I will post scans of the labels. There are differences in dead wax markings between the three releases. Cheers Richard

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