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Premium Stuff

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Everything posted by Premium Stuff

  1. Got a scan of this one please? I have some of the 45s and a few scans, so will put a list together and post it up. Cheers Richard
  2. Hi all Looking for a white DJ copy of the Fabulous Peps - My Love Looks Good On You (D-Town 1065). Conditon M- or thereabouts. If anyone can help out please PM me Cheers Richard
  3. Thanks mate, but already seen that one and it has an incomplete Jerry-O label listing as well as some inaccurate info on some of the releases Cheers Richard
  4. Hi all Anyone point me in the right direction of a full label listing for the Jerry-O label, or any good quality information related to it please? Interesting blend of Chicago/Detroit connections Cheers Richard
  5. So these have just recently surfaced then? Wouldn't mind seeing a scan of both sides of the boot posted up here - plus matrix details. One of my top fave sounds this one - have an original promo and I could scan up and post the dead wax marks for it, if someone can do the boot. Cheers Richard
  6. Good call Dave. Yes, this is a superb double sider - and 'Summer Kind Of Love' is the best side by far - beautiful record with a superb atmospheric sound and some oustanding male group harmonies! Cheers Richard
  7. Have always loved this since I was a teenager - awesome vocal and build in the song - The Triple B release is as good, and as great a double-sider, as Eddie's 45s on Awake and Miko - it has Crying Clown on the flip which is a monumental track in it's own right Cheers Richard
  8. Totally agree Mike Soul-Source is Soul-Source and Refosoul is Refosoul - quality in terms of both members and content YouTube is ... well it's only really YouTube and not in the same class at all is it Cheers Richard
  9. Here's my Parker Street address one Yes, that Ebay one is a bit over priced already - but it is the nicest format for the WDJ. Cheers Richard
  10. Hi Russ Just wondering what happened to the original pic and soundfile please (opening post)? Not yet found this on Refosoul either Cheers Richard
  11. Cheating this one really but you could also have your Detroit Volumes releases on American Arts in those lovely red and white company sleeves like me Cheers Richard
  12. Nice one Wilxy - would be good to see one of those greetings slips. Think you are right about the personal nature of the sleeve stamps - like a 'with compliments' slip I suppose for discs sent out on a personal basis. Mine is on an issue copy as you can see from the pic, which also therefore suggests not for a DJ - at least in this case. I agreee it wouldn't make much sense stamping in this way for commercial reasons. Plus, if the use of these stamps had been commercial and widespread there should be loads of stamped sleeves around (given how many near mint, cut-out copies there are of some of the Ric-Tic stuff). Cheers Richard
  13. They are OK in my opinion - and yes, I would say it was a fair 100 quid 45 for the Lendo WDJ. Cheers Richard
  14. I have this sleeve which is from an original Ric-Tic. It has the really cool Golden World stamp on it and you can see it is in a white sleeve Cheers Richard
  15. This is the genuine DJ copy Cheers Richard
  16. Bruce Lee - That's one hell of a user name - am interested in hearing more on that please. Cheers Richard
  17. Hi Mike Try the search facility on here. I posted about this 45 some time ago. Tom Brown featured it in Rare Soul Review. The other version I guess you are talking about it is Dee and Joe - Who's It Gonna Be (Jubilee) - which is 'kin briliant Cheers Richard
  18. You are not alone in needing this one Anyone got a scan to post? Cheers Richard
  19. Soulful Twins for me Cheers Richard
  20. I love this tune Have it by Johnnie Mae on Jam, Art and an Atco promo, by Calvin on Northern Del-La, and also have the Platters' Going Back to Detroit on the USA LP and the UK PYE 45 release. Still need Calvin on Atco and Johnnie Mae on the Atco issue. Cheers Richard
  21. Love this show and as I live in Newark myself these days I just switch on the radio and there it is glorious FM Richard
  22. Is it me or are all of these 3 tracks the same? If so, it's really weird as I recorded each from original vinyl and they all sound different (as they should) on my laptop - but when I play them on Refosoul they are exactly the same Cheers Richard
  23. Love both of these Cheers Richard
  24. You're right about the demo Tony - pretty thin vinyl Cheers Richard
  25. White DJ copy is the best way to own this one Cheers Richard

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