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Premium Stuff

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Everything posted by Premium Stuff

  1. Brilliant record
  2. Been done before no doubt .. but some sales patter brings a smile to your face I just read this one: Great underplayed XXX that's getting the spins it rightly deserves Is it underplayed then or actually played the right amount as it deserves to be? Can't work that one out There are hundreds like this and I'm sure you lot are going to post em up. Cheers Richard
  3. That Martha Jean Love 'How to succeed ..." is a top drawer sound - superb Richard
  4. The yellow issue is a hard one - but has anyone ever seen or heard of a white demo copy of Dickie & The Ebb Tides on Golden World? Cheers Richard
  5. Hi Dave Great record. Yes, there are White demos - I have one of these as well as the blue issue. I have seen this go 3 or 4 times recently on eBay at higher prices than stated above. A white demo went for around £100 and I have seen the blue issue go for over that (one went for about £140 I think - which is well over IMO). These prices suggest it is pretty sought after at the moment. I think its actually the White Demo which is the harder of the two formats. Cheers Richard Here's a scan from eBay of the white promo
  6. A few years ago now I bought a Richard 'Popcorn' Wylie "Rosemary What Happened" WDJ from Craig. When I got it I wasn't convinced about it. So I checked out the deadwax markings against JM's Bootleg Guide. This indicated it was the counterfeit. I got straight onto Craig and it was sorted out immediately with no hassle whatsoever. Admittedly, this is a tough one as it's a good fake copy - but any dealer should be going out of their way to use the information that is available to us all as collectors (and available at modest cost compared to the price of the vinyl we buy and sell). Cheers Richard
  7. Yes Martyn - well said - you have got the essence of the issue here. Richard
  8. Great - thanks Shaun - I will PM you. Cheers. Richard
  9. Thanks Carl - never seen this one myself - the info is much appreciated Cheers Richard
  10. Thanks Bob - Richard
  11. Cheers Bob - thanks very much for the info Have just looked these up in Manship's Price Guide. Karen 314 is there - rated at £30.00 - but the other one isn't. Are they collected in other scenes anyone know - as apparently not soul? There were several groups called the Classics - anyone know if they had a connection to any other releases? Cheers Richard
  12. I'm looking for a copy of Tommy Neal - Going To A Happening on PINK Pameline please. M/M- with clean labels preferred. Please just PM me if you can help out. Thanks Richard
  13. Cheers Geoff - much appreciated. Richard
  14. Hi all Anyone help out with any information, scans, soundfiles for the following two Karen label releases please? The Classics - Elmo/Twistin' 62 (Karen 314) - released 1962 The Classics - Noah's Ark/The Wheel Of Love (Karen 316) - released 1963 Cheers Richard
  15. Anyone confirm the Same Old Sweet Feelin' title please? One of the best cheap Detroit 45s you can buy by the way. Cheers Richard DEVOTIONS - SAME OLD SWEET LOVIN' -
  16. Tonight - Dean Anderson - Northern Soul Show Boundary Sound 7-9pm Great show by Dean and the guys. Well worth tuning in! www.boundarysound.co.uk Cheers Richard
  17. This is faaaaar better STEPTONES LONELY ONE DIAMOND JIM - Cheers Richard
  18. Gwen Owens - Just Say You're Wanted (And Needed) on Velgo would be a good boot Cheers Richard
  19. Steptones was my fave record for a long time. I love the out of tune singing and that cheesy 'talking bit in the middle' - gives it character - rough round the edges - makes it real Tempos is also good but not quite in the same league as the Steptones. Platters nice to have but the other two are essential IMO If in doubt, have/get all of 'em Cheers Richard
  20. The blue West Coast issue seems to be the rarest and most valuable. Here are Popsike scans of the WDJ variants. West Coast - Styrene Italic Text - Vinyl (?) Block Text - Vinyl Cheers Richard
  21. Hi everyone I have read in a number of places that The Devotions - Same Old Sweet Lovin' on Tri-Sound came out with two different song titles printed on the label. Apparently, the first release was called Same Old Sweet Lovin'. However, the later release(s) were Same Old Sweet Feelin'. These two different song titles are also listed in Manship's Price Guide. I have three different versions of this 45 - the original gold issue, the yellow issue with bars across the label, and another yellow issue (like the Ed Crook 'Detroit Address' version). I am posting up scans I have found on the internet of the three versions I have in my own collection. All three have the title as Same Old Sweet Lovin'. Can anyone scan a copy with the title Same Old Sweet Feelin' please, or let me have any more information on that variant if it exists? Cheers Richard
  22. I got ripped off over an eBay item a few years ago now - a green vinyl Luther Ingram on HIB - by a guy called Andy Scoffin from Crewe. I gave him all the relevant information when I got the record - including extracts from Manship's Bootleg guide and expert opinions kindly provided on the 45 by several recognised names on the rare soul scene - proving the record was a bootleg. I lost under £100, but the evidence that the record was a bootleg was very clear. Ebay did nothing (as I recall I think the guy delayed things until the deadline for a dispute passed by suggesting all along he would sort it out). Anyway, the **** decided to take the position that the record was original and he kept my money. I haven't forgotten and just looked the **** up on facebook. Anyone know him? Cheers Richard
  23. Yes, Trev - just say who it is. Then, if they are on here they can put their side of things. Richard
  24. Hi Trevski One missing option to include is to check and double-check your facts (maybe speak politely to the management and the DJ guy) to corroborate things. Then, if it is all indeed true, in the following order: A/ Be annoyed D/ Name and shame C/ Punch his lights out Hope this helps Richard

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