Hi everyone
I have read in a number of places that The Devotions - Same Old Sweet Lovin' on Tri-Sound came out with two different song titles printed on the label.
Apparently, the first release was called Same Old Sweet Lovin'. However, the later release(s) were Same Old Sweet Feelin'.
These two different song titles are also listed in Manship's Price Guide.
I have three different versions of this 45 - the original gold issue, the yellow issue with bars across the label, and another yellow issue (like the Ed Crook 'Detroit Address' version).
I am posting up scans I have found on the internet of the three versions I have in my own collection. All three have the title as Same Old Sweet Lovin'.
Can anyone scan a copy with the title Same Old Sweet Feelin' please, or let me have any more information on that variant if it exists?