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Premium Stuff

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Everything posted by Premium Stuff

  1. Got to agree - plus that on the fours is not correct for 20+ years- your own criteria are great - I especially like "texture" - ooommmpphhh! This baby has TEXTURE Cheers Richard
  2. Look ... Northern Soul is cool .. we know that ... we always have ... The masses will never understand it ... because they want mainstream things ... sheep mentality YES THE SHEEP EMOTICON - RESULT!! We don't want them to understand it ... otherwise it would not be ours ... still really underground-ish, still with MYSTIQUE! This was one of the best 1 hour TV pieces on the whole Northern Soul scene I have seen - I hardly cringed at all Well done all involved - jobs a goodun Bring on Elaine's movie Cheers Richard
  3. Erm someone told me the UK was in Europe
  4. Can someone name a few of the records out of that haul please?
  5. Agree. Missing out Stafford and the 100 Club, having done the founding clubs in a fairly balanced way without too much Wigan, was a mistake. It went Wigan closes ... The new generation saves the scene ... Lost it towards the end but really enjoyed it and think it was good entertainment and sufficient detail for non-soul folk that could get people interested. I liked the look at the cheesy media angles - Wigans Ovation etc. Northern Soul is cool is the take home message for me Cheers Richard
  6. Think Levine kinda did. Never been a fan so to speak, but I think he came across very well indeed
  7. What - sure like "think" or sure like "positive" Robb? - as sure as you need to be if playing Russian Roulette? Cheers Richard
  8. Every time I go to post a record at my local P.O. they tell me that because it's a record they will not pay out compensation if it gets damaged - even if I have paid for compensation (say value of £500). They gave me a leaflet saying it was all in there about records, but I could not find records specified as an exception. I think they are talking out of their ar*se Am I right though? Cheers Richard
  9. Was it Robb? "Say It" is not on any Reo listings I have ever seen I don't think Cheers Richard
  10. ON air tonight folks - TNT show 2 - Thursday. 7-9PM. Radio Newark. https://www.radionewark.co.uk or here: https://tunein.com/ra...Newark-s193516/ Always a cracking show Cheers Richard
  11. Agreed Phil - that is definitely true of a few things I have sold or priced up for selling over the last couple of years. Sometimes it is due to records coming into vogue and so the price goes up. In other cases, with some rarer (not necessarily expensive) records it may be that the author just hasn't had the record for ages and the price just shows what it sold for years ago when they last had it. In other cases, it could even be that the author may not have had the record at all, but still wants to document it - and so makes a best guess about value. Just some thoughts Cheers Richard
  12. Remember that it was Simon Soussan who brought out the first (?) price guide. Back in the early 1990s I think it was. So price guides have been part of the scene for around 20 years. The main value of the guides for me relates to the record details in there. Not sure about the latest version, but Tim Brown's guide only used to list one side, but not the flip. By comparison, John Manship listed both sides - sooo much better. With the ability to see eBay sold prices, then sites such as Popsike and Collectorsfrenzy there is a lot of information out there. All of these sources, the published price guides included, are just guides. I always say there is not one price for a record. Same as antiques and other collectables. People often complain that the prices in the guides are too high. Well, if most people were following them then we would all be buying and selling at around those prices ... One of the things that I find useful is when I have a record and it's not in the guides - which generally tells me it is a rare one Cheers Richard
  13. Didn't Pat Brady have a Chuck Flamingo on his auction at the same time? Disappeared now. Anyone got any info please?
  14. I bought my copy as a teenager - around 1979 or 1980. Got it out of Rob Smith's shop in Nottingham. I understood back then that it was a well-known oldie that had been a Wigan play. Cheers Richard
  15. Whoever wrote (just) "OK" on Sidra's Theme clearly had poor taste in music
  16. All the best wishes Rick - hoping you have a speedy recovery - take care of yourself Cheers Richard
  17. Exactly - that's bang on Pete - but which is it with the Salvadors? I have never had one
  18. Now let's clear this important matter up - are they dimples or pimples? Make your minds up folks
  19. Also known as the three stars design
  20. It's an issue with a red cross and star drawn on by hand - so it's not a demo. If it's a real issue it needs a Nashville stamp in the deadwax. Think someone checked with the seller before and said it was stamped. If so, original issue - not demo at all. Cheers Richard
  21. Just signposting this old thread to the current one on the Salvadors Cheers Richard
  22. Just bumping this old thread from 8 years go which has lots of useful information about the various Salvadors presses. Worth a read and hopefully it will clarify some of the outstanding questions Cheers Richard

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