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Premium Stuff

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Everything posted by Premium Stuff

  1. Label ... condition?
  2. Tune in tonight folks - 7-9PM I'm joining Ady Crampton in the studio who is covering for Dean tonight www.radionewark.co.uk Contact the studio on: studio@radionewark.co.uk Cheers Richard
  3. Yes, your Jerry is leading a double life
  4. Just spoken to Dean and there is no show tonight due to technical problems. Should be back as usual next week though Cheers Richard
  5. I rest my case regarding the level of intelligence in the debate
  6. Well, if I was the person selling this epic Salvadors record on John's auction I think I might be pretty well pissed off with this thread - because it just seems to be focused on running down the record and the auction. Much of what has been said has been pretty negative, as well as uninformed. Would have been nice to see some properly informed and evidence-based comments. However, as El Corol stated above, the thread's "... main purpose has been to undermine the whole supposedly St Louis press being the first press over the "dimpled press". What is that all about? I think it's pretty safe and clear to conclude that the copy on John's auction is the first press - it's just very basic and straightforward deduction. It's actually implausible that it could be any other way, because the dead wax markings on the two presses are identical - apart from the dimples. Does anyone really doubt that the original master was clean and that the dimples appeared later on? Does anyone really believe that the dimples were somehow removed to create a clean master plate? Anyone who suggests that the non-dimpled version wasn't the first press off that master plate is either a numpty or is probably just being deliberately mischievous. In the old days on Soulsource, before many of the good people left, there would have been a real community spirit around trying to find out the truth about this kind of thing. Now it's all just about running down prices, slagging off people's sales, comedy sale of the day, and having a go at people. We aren't allowed to slag off sales on Soulsource under the site rules. It would be decent not to slag off non-Soulsource sales too. Regarding where and when these records were pressed - well that's very interesting. But in this thread there's not actually much that has been said which is credible, constructive or evidence-based to substantiate a different conclusion. It's just all been about running down the write up on the auction (and please do also take into account the old thread too - link posted previously - which set out the key details between the two presses years ago). As far as I understand it, the non-dimpled copy on the auction (and one or more of the previous similar copies referred to above) were found in St Louis. Personally, I have taken this to mean there was a St Louis issue and a Chicago issue - as in the records were distributed in those locations. Maybe the word "release" is better than "press" here? Regardless, it just seems to me that much of the chat above is deliberately focused on talking the record down, rather than contributing towards a properly informed debate about provenance. Notwithstanding the above, there can't reasonably be any answer other than that the one on Johns' auction is the true first press. In my book that makes it more desirable than the other press - and so it is the most desirable version there is of this iconic (no perfect) rare Northern Soul classic. Like I said, if it was me selling the record on the auction I would be pissed off with this load of negative uninformed tosh Richard
  7. Yes, good spot mate - seen that page before - it's great info worth a read and a great site
  8. One theory I have heard is that Al Greene was confused/mistaken about the label/recoding company name and that the label Zodiac has been quoted because the other group also called the Creations recorded on Zodiac (Ric Williams' Zodiac). This assumes there was no Zodiac label out of Grand Rapids. Or possibly the truth is that what has been said in the previous post might be the case, which assumes there was a Grand Rapids Zodiac label. What we can be pretty sure of is that "Footsteps" / "A Dream" was not done by Al Greene et al and that the Zodiac label it was on was not out of Grand Rapids
  9. I think folk seem to be missing the point here. There was a group called the Creations - later to become Al Greene and the Soul Mates - who recorded on the tiny Grand Rapids Zodiac label. There was a completely different group called the Creations who recorded on the totally different Zodiac label which was owned by Ric Williams and was essentially a Chicago label, albeit that many releases were done in Detroit. The Zodiac recording "Footsteps" / "A Dream" by the second Creations was not them on the recording but the Brothers of Soul. Most people seem to be assuming that there was one Creations group that recorded on the one Zodiac label - but there were two groups and two labels which were unrelated. That is why you are all confused Cheers Richard
  10. What temperature in an oven is right please? Should the oven fan be switched on or off? Cheers Richard
  11. McKendree Spring - I Can't Make It Anymore Cheers Richard
  12. Fresh Air also did this. Cheers Richard
  13. Well impressed with that Mr Flynn
  14. I was talking to a mate only last night who told me someone had offered him £300+ for his Ray Pollard yonks ago - and he refused to sell
  15. Some streaming problems tonight so please use this https://infiniti.listen2myradio.com Cheers Richard
  16. Yeah! "TnT Soul" This n That Soul" show 7pm till 9pm tonight and every Wednesday on Tulip radio. www.tulip-radio.co.uk or 107.5fm local to Spalding Also available on the Tunein Radio app on your mobile phones.
  17. Great - you could have told him the difference yourself ...
  18. The Lou Beatty's Detroit Soul CD also puts it at 1966. Cheers Richard
  19. Yes, they could have mentioned it FFS

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