As an ex-smoker of some 2 years (although admittedly I have fallen off the wagon a couple of times recently - notably the last Sheridans - memo to self: no more cnacer sticks ) I can see it from both sides. Personally, I think it's the nanny state gone mad when you're forced outside to have a quick ciggie. Where will it end?? Clearly allnighters where you're sleep deprived are bad for your health and I daresay the volume in a lot of clubs isn't too good for your lugs either - ban 'em all!!! I totally agree that restaurants/eating areas should be non-smoking, but in a bar/club where you go to enjoy yourselves as adults and relax, stopping people smoke who often smoke quite a few a day seems ridiculous. Like I say, I've given up (bar the recent laspses!) and the smell etc doesn't bother me one bit, although I guess it does bother some people.
Reg, I'll get you a Wacko Jacko type mask for the next Keele ..